January 27, 2025
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Posts by category
- Category: Blogs
- Tom’s Legacy: A Life of Tenacity, Love and Hope for the Future
- Patient Testimonial: LaShelle Rabold
- A Four Month Odyssey – Etai David Gamliel
- Pediatric Patient SPOTlight: Sophie Ogden
- Targeting NRAS Oncoproteins for the Treatment of Melanoma
- #EyeGetDilated: Ocular Melanoma Awareness – Allison Dashow
- 13th Annual CURE OM Global Science Meeting Summary
- #EyeGetDilated: Ocular Melanoma Awareness – Cindy Schulz
- #EyeGetDilated: Ocular Melanoma Awareness – Jon Davis
- Patient Testimonial from Acral Melanoma Thriver: Eric Niles
- Pediatric Melanoma Awareness – Marit Peterson
- Pediatric Melanoma Awareness – Marit Peterson
- Pediatric Melanoma Awareness – Austin and Kayla Damiani
- Why Research Matters – Alexandra Dubinsky
- Why Research Matters – Shannon Sillimann
- Why Research Matters – Shannon Silliman
- Why Research Matters – Alexandra Dubinsky
- Ian Michael Crumm to emcee the 2024 New York Miles for Melanoma 5K
- The Melanoma Research Foundation to host the 2024 New Jersey Miles for Melanoma 5K
- Jam for Cam – Community. Awareness. Music.
- Run from the Sun
- Robert J. Miller Oyster Fest
- New York Gala Volunteer Highlight – Susan Reynolds
- OM Patient Story: Harold
- Teddi Mellencamp Headlines the Melanoma Research Foundation’s 23rd Annual New York City Gala
- Jason Sessions Shares his Donor Story ahead of #GetNakedJax Event
- In Memoriam: Jeffrey S. Weber, MD, PhD.
- In Memory of Christopher Charles Duffield
- The Melanoma Research Foundation Welcomes Back Emmy Award-Winning Broadcaster Mike Nelson as Emcee of the 13th Annual Denver Gala
- The Melanoma Research Foundation to host the Philadelphia Miles for Melanoma 5K
- The Melanoma Research Foundation to host the Twin Cities Miles for Melanoma 5K
- #GetNakedJax Event Poised to Raise Critical Funds to Advance Melanoma Research
- The Melanoma Research Foundation to host the Cleveland Miles for Melanoma 5K
- Denver Miles for Melanoma: Team Anomaly’s “Why”
- From Medical Assistant to Advocate: Adina Greene’s Journey in Melanoma Research and Fundraising
- The Melanoma Research Foundation to host the Chicago Miles for Melanoma 5K
- Patient Story Giulia Newton – Metastatic Desmoplastic Melanoma (Cutaneous)
- Promising Research Updates for Melanoma Patients Presented at ASCO
- Ocular Melanoma Patient Story: Derek
- Donor Spotlight: Dianna Lanpher
- Patient Story — Jamie Tomasko
- Why Research Matters with Lilit Karapetyan, MD, MS
- Why Research Matters with Lilit Karapetyan, MD, MS
- Patient Story – Jamie Tomasko
- Patty Pophal Shares Her Daughter’s Melanoma Story During Melanoma Awareness Month
- Kyle Speller to return as Emcee for the 2024 Denver Miles for Melanoma 5K!
- A review of the 13th Annual Eyes on a Cure: Ocular Melanoma Patient and Caregiver Symposium
- Kate Bennett Shares Her Melanoma Journey During Melanoma Awareness Month
- Shelley Belanger’s Journey with Mucosal Melanoma
- Katie Doble’s Journey with Ocular Melanoma
- Melanoma Awareness Month – Jessica Strange
- Brandi Corbello Shares Her Story During Melanoma Awareness Month: “Cancer Didn’t Stop Me, It Empowered Me”
- #GetNaked: Raheem Mostert
- MRF Board Welcomes Giulia Newton
- Research Creates Hope and Hope Changes Everything
- May is Brain Tumor Awareness Month
- Andree Leonelli, DC MFM Team Captain, Shares Her Husband Joe’s Inspiring Melanoma Journey
- The Melanoma Research Foundation to host the DC Miles for Melanoma 5K
- The Melanoma Research Foundation to host the New England Miles for Melanoma 5K
- 2023 Miss Tennessee, Brandee Mills, to Emcee the 2024 Memphis Miles for Melanoma 5K
- Addison Shares Her Story During #AYAware Week
- Women’s History Month – Celebrating Brittani Seynnaeve, MD, MS
- Women’s History Month – Celebrating Lauren Clai Morehead, PhD
- Mucosal Melanoma Awareness – Kasey L. Couts, PhD
- Women’s History Month: Celebrating Marlana M. Orloff, MD
- Sally Landenberger Shares Her Heartfelt Journey as a Caregiver
- Welcome Kyleigh LiPira and Ashani Weeraratna, PhD to the Board of Directors
- 2023 Courage Awardee, Keith Woolley, Shares His Melanoma Journey
- A Year of Progress and Hope
- Melanoma thriver Jody Carroll shares her journey and passion for Pilates ahead of upcoming fundraiser
- Congressional Skin Cancer Caucus Briefing on Improving Sun Safety Measures and Promoting Sunscreen Innovation
- The Melanoma Research Foundation (MRF) and its Funded Researchers Contribute to International Science Meetings
- End of Year Patient Story: Teddi Mellencamp
- End of Year Patient Story: Steve Elefant
- #EyeGetDilated Awareness Month – Jason Bruckal
- The Melanoma Research Foundation Launches the Legacy of Progress Endowment Fund
- MRF Board Member, Cheryl Stratos, Shares Her Melanoma Journey
- Jason Sessions shares his donor story ahead of the upcoming third annual #GetNakedJax event
- Pediatric Melanoma Awareness Month – Dr. Brittani Seynnaeve
- Melanoma Research Foundation Welcomes Emmy Award-Winning Broadcaster Mike Nelson as Emcee of the 12th Annual Denver Gala
- Andy Cohen Poised to Help the Melanoma Research Foundation Raise Over $1 Million for the Melanoma Community as the New York City Gala Emcee
- Thoughts from a Metastatic Melanoma Warrior
- The Melanoma Research Foundation and the National Council for Skin Cancer Prevention Partner to Remind Americans to Enjoy the Sun Safely this Summer
- Melanoma Awareness Month – Natalie Wright Montanez
- EltaMD Teams Up With Andy Cohen to Ignite Skin Cancer Awareness Dialogue
- Teddi Mellencamp Gets Naked for Melanoma Awareness Month
- #EyeGetDilated for Melanoma Awareness Month: Neil Corman
- MRF Board Chair Pays It Forward with the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program
- Early ctDNA Testing Provides Another Tool for Predicting Survival Outcomes With Tebentafusp in Metastatic Uveal Melanoma
- #EyeGetDilated for Melanoma Awareness Month: Karen Kaludov
- Melanoma Awareness Month: Patrick Guddal
- MRF Breakthrough Consortium Leaders & MRF-Supported Researchers Named AACR Fellows
- #GetNaked: Teddi
- The Melanoma Research Foundation Launches 2023 Miles for Melanoma 5k Program in Washington, DC
- Promising Vaccine Reduces Risk of Melanoma Recurrence
- Major Melanoma Treatment Advancement Announced
- #OutoftheShadows: Toni English
- Katie Doble: My experience with Brain Mets & hope
- Welcome Kristina Baum to the Board of Directors
- Family Establishes Legacy Gift to Advance Research
- CancerCoachLive, Melanoma Research Foundation and Melanoma Action Coalition Partner to Launch Upcoming Webinar on Metastatic Melanoma Treatment
- Patient Perspective: Chris White’s Journey
- MRF Board Member Cheryl Stratos Joins Peer Review Panel for Department of Defense Melanoma Research Program
- #EyeGetDilated Month – Chad Taylor’s Story
- The Melanoma Research Foundation Celebrates Giving Tuesday with Neutrogena®, Joining the Global Generosity Movement on November 29th
- #EyeGetDilated Month – Karen Merritt’s Story
- #EyeGetDilated Month – Kathryn (Kitty) Weller Story
- #EyeGetDilated Month – Nicolette’s Story
- Andy Cohen Headlines 21st Annual Melanoma Research Foundation’s New York City Gala
- Pediatric Melanoma Awareness Month: Nobody Is Invincible
- New VISION Registry Report Summarizes Key Ocular Melanoma Patient-Reported Data to Advance Clinical Research and Treatments
- Pediatric Melanoma Awareness: Shannon’s Story
- Conquer Cancer, Melanoma Research Foundation Announce ASCO Registry Melanoma Research Grant Recipient
- Patients with Uveal Melanoma Tested with DecisionDx®-UM Report Gaining Value from Test Results In Study
- Apply Now: New Melanoma Research Grant Opportunities
- Collaborative Study from Castle Biosciences and the MRF Confirms Patients Diagnosed with Melanoma Desire Testing with DecisionDx®-Melanoma
- Melanoma Awareness Month: My Journey with a Rare Cancer
- The Melanoma Research Foundation and the National Council for Skin Cancer Prevention Partner to Remind Americans to Enjoy the Sun Safely this Summer
- Melanoma Awareness Month: LOVE THE SKIN YOU WERE GIVEN
- Melanoma Awareness Month: You have one life to live, live it your way and live it to the fullest!
- Melanoma Awareness Month: I am proud of the woman I am today, because I went through one hell of a time becoming her
- Skin Check Campaign Responds to the 32,369 Melanomas Missed During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Melanoma Awareness Month: A Skin Check in 2019 Saved My Life.
- #GetNaked this Melanoma Awareness Month to Prevent and Detect Melanoma
- #GetNaked: Summer
- #GetNaked: Monique
- Jamie’s Story: TIL Saved My Life
- Patient Perspective: Katie Doble’s Journey with TIL Therapy
- Recent FDA Approvals for the Melanoma Community
- MRF Joins 100 Advocacy Organizations in Support of Cancer Moonshot
- Rare Disease Day in the MRF Community
- US Representative Carolyn Maloney to Headline MRF Advocacy Days Plenary
- Out of the Shadows and “In the Sun”: Reflections from a Melanoma Survivor
- Bringing Awareness of Sun Safety and Sun Care to the Black Community
- Hope in the Ocular Melanoma Journey
- Advocating Through Research Review Processes
- Scientific Peer Review of Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs’ Melanoma Research Program for the Department of Defense
- 25th Anniversary: A Mouse Model in BRAF-induced Melanoma
- #EyeGetDilated: A Vision Saving, Life Saving Exam
- #EyeGetDilated: It Just Might Save Your Life
- #EyeGetDilated: Each Day Together is Precious
- The Melanoma Research Foundation to Acquire the SunAWARE for Life Curriculum for Melanoma Prevention in Youth
- What’s Changed in Pediatric Melanoma Treatment
- Celebrating Sunburn-Free Summers
- What’s New in Pediatric Melanoma?
- Melanoma Research Foundation Welcomes Andy Cohen As Emcee of 20th Annual New York City Gala
- Pediatric Melanoma Awareness: Millie’s Story
- Pediatric Melanoma Awareness: Keasy’s Story
- MRF Funding Advances Mucosal Melanoma Research
- How His Father’s Battle with OM Changed Joseph’s Life
- Report: Decline in Melanoma Deaths Leads an Overall Drop in Cancer Mortality
- Caregiver Perspective on an Ocular Melanoma Diagnosis
- How YES-CAN! Can Help Kids Learn About Sun Safety
- An Eye-Opening Experience Through a Metastatic Melanoma Journey
- Carla Tressell’s Journey with Ocular Melanoma
- Melanoma Awareness Month: A Daughter’s Viewpoint on her Mother’s Melanoma Diagnosis
- MRF’s 25th Anniversary: The Impact of Research on Improving Patient Outcomes
- #GetNaked: Darren Reilly
- Funding Opportunities for the FY21 Melanoma Research Program Open for Applications
- Melanoma Awareness Month: Eva’s Story on Learning to Love her Skin
- Melanoma Awareness Month: In My Darkest Time I Made the Best Friends
- CURE OM 10 Years Later
- Melanoma Research Foundation Launches Historic Patient-Reported Ocular Melanoma Registry
- Melanoma Awareness Month: A Doctor’s Perspective
- Melanoma Awareness Month: The Evolution of Sun Safety Among Young Women
- Melanoma Awareness Month: A Mother and Daughter’s Journey through their Melanoma Diagnoses
- Melanoma Awareness Month – A Caregiver’s Perspective
- #GetNaked: MRF Staff Has Skin in the Game
- Melanoma Research Foundation Awarded GuideStar Platinum Seal of Transparency
- In Memory of Christopher Charles Duffield
- MRF 25th Anniversary: Managing Immunotherapy-Related Treatment Side Effects
- #EyeGetDilated: Alton Pace in Memory of Daryl Pace
- A Focus on Rare Melanoma Subtypes
- #OutOfTheShadows: Eileen Walther
- MRF 25th Anniversary: Improving Melanoma Screening Education for Primary Care Providers Serving Patients of Skin of Color
- #OutOfTheShadows: Aaron Wade in Memory of Lisa Ann Wade
- 130 Organizations Call to the President to Prioritize Cancer Patients and Survivors for COVID-19 Vaccine
- #OutOfTheShadows: James Hexter
- Future Medical Student’s Mission to Educate Everyone on Skin Cancer
- Hope Changes Everything
- Meet Doug: Melanoma Survivor
- The Size of a Pea – My Melanoma Story
- #EyeGetDilated: Alex Shoushtari, MD
- #EyeGetDilated: Ryan Forgach
- #EyeGetDilated: Vikki McConnell
- #EyeGetDilated: Steven Johnson
- #EyeGetDilated: Mark Weinzierl
- Novartis Know Now: Knowing Rose’s BRAF Status Helped Her Find the Best Course of Treatment
- #EyeGetDilated: Mark Weinzierl
- Novartis Know Now: Knowing Deborah’s BRAF Status Saved Her Valuable Time
- 2020 Research Awards Announced
- The Melanoma Research Foundation and Dayanara Torres Want You to #GetNaked!
- Finn’s Story: A Family’s Story on Fighting Pediatric Melanoma
- Novartis Know Now: Knowing Her BRAF Status was Jordan’s “First Ray of Hope”
- Sibling Feelings on Pediatric Melanoma
- Dylan’s Story: Living with Pediatric Melanoma
- Landon’s Story: Living with Childhood Cancer
- A Father’s Perspective: Fighting Melanoma Together
- MRF Breakthrough Consortium Welcomes Fox Chase Cancer Center
- Meet the Doctor: Dr. Vernon Sondak
- What is Pediatric Melanoma?
- House Appropriations Committee Includes $20 million for Defense-funded Melanoma Research
- House Appropriations Committee Approves Funding for Fiscal 2021 Labor, Health and Human Services Bill
- Meet the Honoree: Dr. Stephanie Frankel
- A Commitment to Our Community
- Meet the Researcher: Mai Nguyen
- Melanoma Testing During the COVID Pandemic
- New Legislation Introduced to Fund Ocular Melanoma Research in North Carolina
- Genomics: Transforming Melanoma Diagnosis
- #GetNaked: It Saved My Life
- Three Key Battlegrounds Identified as Research Shows Skin Cancer Reaches Epidemic Proportions
- Funding Opportunities for the FY20 Melanoma Research Program Open for Application
- MRF Joins Partner Organizations in Response to COVID-19
- Virginia Removes Barriers for Students to Access Sunscreen in Schools
- Cancer Has No Curve
- Announcement: CURE OM Symposium MOVED to Fall 2020
- Congratulations to the 2020 Medical Student Research Award Recipients!
- An Exciting Update on VISION: the CURE OM Patient-Reported Registry
- MD Anderson’s Hussein Tawbi, MD, PhD Named to President’s Council on Science and Technology
- Leading Melanoma Organizations Applaud Congress for Supporting $20 Million for Defense-Funded Melanoma Research
- #EyeGetDilated: Shea B.
- Developing More Effective Treatments for Ocular Melanoma
- #EyeGetDilated: Nigel D.
- #EyeGetDilated: Dr. Alison Skalet
- #EyeGetDilated: Stephanie L.
- #EyeGetDilated: Roger Z.
- #EyeGetDilated: Lindsay Z.
- MRF & MRA Commend the Senate Appropriations Committee for Supporting $20 Million for Defense-Funded Melanoma Research
- Clara’s Story: Advocating for Your Child’s Health
- Pediatric Melanoma: Beyond the ABCDs
- MRF Welcomes Katie Couric to the New York Gala
- Rep. Kelly Cassidy: We Are Far From Done
- Ruby’s Story: Fighting Melanoma as a Family
- My name is Susanne Milne…
- My name is Amanda Sisco…
- Choosing the Right Sunscreen for Children
- Fighting Melanoma with Courage: Daniel’s Story
- Pediatric Melanoma: Where Do We Go From Here?
- Apply Now for 2020 Medical Student Research Grants
- Research Funded by the Melanoma Research Foundation’s (MRF) CURE OM Initiative Published in Nature Genetics
- Maryland Bans Tanning by Minors
- Connecticut Passes Sunscreen in Schools Bill
- #GetNaked: It Saved My Life.
- Guest Blog: What Gets Measured Gets Managed
- Happy Valentine’s Day!
- #EyeGetDilated So That No One Else Has To Experience Such a Great Loss
- #EyeGetDilated for Families Affected by OM
- #EyeGetDilated: Be Smart. Beat It.
- Days Like Today Are Why I Support the MRF
- #EyeGetDilated: Every Day is a Gift
- #EyeGetDilated to Cancel Cancer
- Guest Blog: Nikki’s Concert for a Cure
- The MRF Congratulates 2018 Nobel Prize Recipients
- It Takes a Village: the Mark Samitt 5k Run
- MRF & MRA Commend Congress for $10 Million Melanoma Research Funding
- Stop the Tanning Tax Repeal
- Act Now! Congress Proposes $10 Million for Melanoma Research
- Guest Blog: My Melanoma Experience
- Patient Input Needed: Clinical Trial Design
- BloqUV joins MRF Cause Marketing Partners
- CURE OM Patient Registry Update
- CURE OM Research Grant Recipient Announced
- Congress Proposes $80M in Cancer Research Funding
- #GetNaked: Jackie’s Story
- #GetNaked: Missy’s Story
- #GetNaked: Missy’s Story
- #GetNaked: Joe’s Story
- We #GetNaked to Save Our Lives
- Meet Chris, MRF Courage Award Recipient
- The MRF Commends Increase in Government Cancer Research Funding
- Trial participants invited to “Meet the Scientist” in Denver, attend MRF Gala
- No Parent Should Have to Hear Their Child Has Cancer. Congress Can Change That.
- Congress: Melanoma Must Be a National Priority
- Rare Disease Day: Ross’s Story
- 2018 Medical Student Research Grants Announced
- DC Wings of Hope for Melanoma Gala on February 24, 2018 to Benefit the Melanoma Research Foundation (MRF)
- Happy Valentine’s Day!
- New Research Grant Recipient Announced
- The MRF Announces Kyleigh LiPira as CEO
- Make a Difference with Wayne and the MRF
- #EyeGetDilated: Alina Itkis
- In J.B.’s Words: A Face of Mucosal Melanoma
- #EyeGetDilated: Deborah Smith
- #EyeGetDilated: William Karp
- Near Life Experiences
- The MRF Welcomes CEO Elly Brtva
- Congress Must Protect DoD Medical Research Funding
- Apply for the Medical Student Research Award
- Indoor Tanning Association Ends Operations
- FY17 Peer Reviewed Cancer Research Program Announcements Released
- Update on the CURE OM Patient Registry
- Melanoma Awareness Month and a New Look for the MRF
- MRF Statement on Sunscreen in Schools
- Take Action: Students Need Sunscreen at School
- #GetNaked in Times Square!
- Take Action: Stop the NIH Budget Cuts
- In Melissa’s Words: Why I Support the MRF
- In J.B.’s Words: A Face of Mucosal Melanoma
- Resolving to Fight Melanoma: Loree’s Year-End Gift of Research
- Support CURE OM with DIFF & Joelle Fletcher
- In Chrisi’s Words: Coming Together to CURE OM
- MRF’s CURE OM Initiative Welcomes Jacqueline Kraska
- In Kristin’s Words: A Patient Perspective on Research
- In Christy’s Words: The 2nd Annual Pediatric Melanoma Summit
- In Memoriam: Randy Lomax
- The USPSTF Concludes Not Enough Evidence to Recommend Annual Full-Body Skin Screenings
- The Durbin Amendment Ensures Research Funding Remains a Priority for the DoD
- Senate Appropriations Committee Increases Military Cancer Research Funding to $60 Million
- Preeminent Experts Provide Roadmap for Future Melanoma Research
- In Linda’s Words: 5th Annual CURE OM Eyes on a Cure Symposium
- Taking Ed’s Melanoma Fight to Capitol Hill
- Rare Cancer Community Unites to Drive Research for a Cure Forward
- Moses – #GivingTuesday 2015
- Carola – #GivingTuesday 2015
- Graham – #GivingTuesday 2015
- Julie & Amelia – #GivingTuesday 2015
- FDA Approves New Targeted Therapy Combination (Vemurafenib and Cobimetinib) to Treat Advanced Melanoma
- Washington, D.C. Community Combats Melanoma at 7th Annual Wings of Hope Gala
- FDA Approves First New Adjuvant Treatment for Stage III Melanoma Patients in 20 Years
- Guest Post: Dr. Richard Carvajal – #CUREOM Unite!
- FDA Approves Opdivo and Yervoy Combination for Advanced Melanoma
- Melanoma Research Foundation Receives Highest Fiscal Responsibility Rating for 4th Consecutive Year
- Senate Appropriations Committee Approves $50 Million for Military Cancer Research
- New Alliance Helps Inform and Educate Patients in Battle Against Deadly Skin Cancer
- Bipartisan Support in the House for Increased Melanoma Research Funding
- Guest Post: 4th Annual CURE OM’s Eye on a Cure Symposium
- CURE OM Director and Patient Advocate Sara Selig, MD Responds to Oliver Sacks Ocular Melanoma News
- Caregiver Fatigue: How to Avoid Burning Out
- FDA Approves Opdivo for Advanced Melanoma
- A Global Effort Against Melanoma
- Congressional Committee and the Melanoma Research Foundation Take Steps to Stop College Tanning
- President Signs Bill Increasing Dept. of Defense’s Cancer Research Funding
- Joint Committee Files Bill to Increase Funding for Rare Cancers
- Update: Maloney PRCRP Letter Submitted to House Appropriations Committee
- Kevin Nealon, Melanoma & the Morning News
- Call to Action: Urge Congress to Increase Funding for Rare Cancers
- Senate Unanimously Approves Sunscreen Innovation Act
- The MRF Announces 2014 Research Grant Recipients
- Senate Request for Comments RE: the Sunscreen Innovation Act
- USA Today: “Surgeon general: Stop tanning and save your skin”
- AP: “Generation of Tanners See Spike in Deadly Melanoma”
- MRF Applauds Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Combat Skin Cancer
- House of Reps. Swiftly Approves Sunscreen Innovation Act; Advances to Senate
- Senate Appropriations Committee Increases Funding Available for Melanoma Research
- Guest Post: Justin Beiber & the Big Bang Theory
- Ask Your Members of Congress to Support the Sunscreen Innovation Act!
- Melanoma of the Eye Caused by Two Gene Mutations
- Ipilimumab Prolongs Progression-Free Survival as Adjuvant Therapy for Melanoma
- FDA Approves Increased Regulations Over Indoor Tanning Beds
- Guest Post: Early Detection Can Save Your Life
- Guest Post: No Such Thing as “Just a Volunteer”
- The Melanoma Research Foundation Encourages You to #GetNaked and Detect Melanoma Early
- $25 Million Government Grant Program Available for Melanoma Researchers
- Update: Help Secure Millions of Dollars for Melanoma Research
- Your Action Needed: Help Secure Millions of Dollars for Melanoma Research
- Mission vs. Business
- The MRF Works with Congress to Secure $10 Million Increase in Department of Defense Research Program
- The MRF Partners with Cancer Commons to Launch Online Patient Registry
- FDA Approves First Combination Therapy for Advanced Melanoma
- Guest Post: A Promise to My Daughter
- NYC Department of Health Votes to Regulate Tanning Beds
- Your Action Needed: NYC Proposes Regulatory Authority Over Indoor Tanning Salons
- Guest Post: Not Pretty? No Problem. Buy a Tan!
- CURE OM Announces New Research Grant Recipients and Celebrates Two-Year Anniversary
- Kevin Nealon to Host Second Annual Celebrity Golf Classic to Benefit Melanoma Research Foundation November 18th
- The Fight Against Melanoma Ramps Up in Philadelphia
- Guest Post: Pale Girl Tips for a Sun Safe School Year
- Senate Recommends Increased Funding for Medical Research
- Window at Rockefeller Center Raises Awareness of Melanoma Prevention & Skin Protection
- Combination of Nivolumab and Ipilimumab in Advanced Melanoma Shows Tumor Shrinkage
- FDA Approves Two New Drugs For Metastatic Melanoma
- New Sunscreen Product Labels to Debut this Summer
- MRF Statement Regarding FDA Proposal to Regulate Tanning Beds
- The Many Faces of Melanoma
- Knowledge is Power
- Children and Melanoma
- Eye Melanoma Initiative Secures Commitments to Fund $800,000 in Research
- MRF Partners with USA Field Hockey and glōProfessional in Sun Safe Play! Campaign
- Lessons in Good and Bad
- “Science” for Hire
- Bill Proposes Offering Exclusivity For Novel Drug Co-Development
- JoeShade Partners with the Melanoma Research Foundation to Prevent Deadly Skin Cancer by Promoting Sun Protection
- Members of Congress Introduce Legislation That Would Support Development of Life-Saving Combination Therapies
- New York City Melanoma Community Gathers to Drive Treatment Advances
- Melanoma Research Foundation Applauds New MD Anderson Cancer Center Program Addressing Melanoma
- ABC 7 WJLA: “Melanoma on the rise in young women; found on scalp”
- A Hero in Every Household
- Melanoma Research Foundation and Actor Kevin Nealon Partner to Host Celebrity-Studded Golf Tournament to Fight Melanoma
- Fashion and Charity…The Marriage Continues
- Congressional Briefing, June 27 – Melanoma: Are We Ready to Fight a Growing Epidemic?
- Stronger than Iron
- A Day With the Doctors
- The MRF Applauds New Skin Cancer Research Bill
- Statement from Timothy Turnham Regarding U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Recommendations on Preventing Skin Cancer
- Avvo and the MRF Team Up to Promote Skin Cancer Awareness Month
- Teaching Our Kids Right From Wrong
- Where Can You Find Idaho’s State Senate on Twitter? Try #FAIL.
- Brian Williams and Hope
- EU Approves Zelboraf
- Mom & Pop’s Selling Cancer
- Fighting Dirty
- Statement from Timothy Turnham, Executive Director Melanoma Research Foundation Regarding House Energy and Commerce Report on Tanning Industry
- New Awareness Videos Share the Message about Melanoma
- The Question
- Gifts and Giving
- Holiday Spirit
- Public Servants
- Washington, D.C. Melanoma Patient Community Celebrates Treatment Advances
- New Initiative Focuses on Ocular Melanoma
- Third-Annual MelaNoMo’! Fundraiser raises over $30,000 for Melanoma research
- A Man and His Daughter: A Chance to Make a Great Catch
- What is Truth?
- The Power of Two
- In Isolation
- An Epidemic?
- One More Question
- The Second Question
- First Gene-Targeted Drug for Melanoma Approved by FDA
- The First Question
- Melanoma Patient Profile
- New Sunscreen Labeling Will Improve Sun Safety
- Practice What you Preach
- Mother and Child
- June 2011 eBrief: Oncology Conference Puts Melanoma Therapies in the Spotlight
- Competition and Collaboration
- MRF Says Go Beyond “Usual Suspects” to Watch Moles
- Watchwords
- Angels Unaware
- Shying Away From Sun Increases Melanoma Risk
- Profile in Courage
- Where the Sun Don’t Shine
- New Tool Helps Melanoma Patients Explore Cutting-Edge Treatment Options
- Study Finds News Hope for Prevention of Melanoma
- Oncology & Biotech News Examines Patient Response to Cancer Diagnosis
- Increased Access for Promising New Melanoma Drug
- Linney Wins Golden Globe For Role as Melanoma Patient
- The New York Times and Amy Harmon Cover Melanoma for a Fifth Time
- In Memory of Jenna Bockmiller
- 5 Questions That May Help You Dodge Cancer
- Promising Phase II Results for New Drug to Treat Advanced Melanoma
- Melanoma Research Gets Boost from Washington, D.C. Patients and Party-goers
- MRF to Young Adults: Debunk Melanoma Myths To Increase Survival Odds
- Respected Producer/Writer Succumbs to Melanoma
- The New York Times Publishes MRF Letter to the Editor
- MRF Scientific Advisor Examines Indoor Tanning
- As Children Head Back to School, Parents are Reminded of Need for Sun Safety and Early Detection
- New Advances in Melanoma Therapies Offer Hope for Patients
- Investigational Drug for Advanced Melanoma Receives FDA Priority Review
- Is a Cure in Sight?
- New Grants Available for Medical Students
- MRF Partners with UVSunSense™
- MRF Launches Public Service Announcement to Raise Funds for Research
- New Tan Tax Spotlights Connection Between Tanning Beds and Melanoma
- Interview with Melanoma Expert
- Addiction and Tanning
- MRF Featured in USA Today Article
- Melanoma Research Updates Shared at ASCO
- MRF Joins Cosmopolitan and Celebrities at Practice Safe Sun Awards
- Teleconference Today: Exciting Melanoma Research Updates from ASCO
- Cosmopolitan Magazine & MRF Team Up to Combat Melanoma
- Sun Safety Is More Than Sunscreen
- The Military and Melanoma
- Teens Take a Stand Against Tanning
- Champions for a Cure Gala – San Francisco – Tickets on Sale Now!
- Carnegie Hall Concert Featuring Groups From Top Universities to Benefit the Melanoma Research Foundation
- Melanoma Research Foundation’s Statement on FDA Regulation of Tanning Beds
- Melanoma Research Foundation Awarded 4-Star Rating for Second Consecutive Year
- Link Between Tanning Beds and Cancer to be Examined at Capitol Hill Briefing
- Is Indoor Tanning Safe?
- Melanoma Survivors at Higher Risk of Other Cancers
- A Cappella for a Cure: A Concert Benefiting MRF
- MRF announces free, telephone helpline
- MRF Letter to the Editor Published in The New York Times
- Melanoma Cases on the Rise
- A Roller-Coaster Chase for a Cure
- Educational Teleconference Replay: How to Navigate the Financial Insurance Highway
- MRF and UNC Hosted Educational Patient Symposium
- “Safe Tans” Feeling the Burn From Potential Tan Ban
- Foundations Honored For Role in Fighting Melanoma
- Melanoma Less Common in Blacks But Deadlier
- Scientists unlock genetic code in major cancer breakthrough
- FDA Issues Updated Consumer Report on Indoor Tanning
- Melanoma Research Foundation Leads Unprecedented Collaboration for Melanoma Research
- Melanoma Research Foundation Takes Steps to Conquer Melanoma
- Advocacy Overload? Activists Seek to Unify Efforts of Groups Targeting Diseases; A Brain-Tumor Collaborative
- Charitable Giving
- Bottle King’s Spring Gala
- Public Service Announcement: MRF
- MRF statement in response to Senator McCain’s battle with melanoma
- MRF issues a statement in response to recent media attention around vitamin D
- MRF awards more than $1M in melanoma research grants for 2008.
- Melanoma Researchers Take Hard Line Against UV Exposure
- 5th Annual Hack n’ Smack Celebrity Golf Classic
- MRF Receives Advocacy Award from the Abramson Cancer Center
- MRF Supporter: John Dane III, member of the 2008 US Olympic Sailing Team
- MRF offers “Ask a Nurse” Service
- Sunscreen Effectiveness Statement
- Melanoma Research Included in 2009 Defense Appropriations
- FDA Considers Update for Tanning Bed Labels
- MRF Names Tim Turnham as New Executive Director
- MRF Announces 2009 Research Grants
- MRF Comments on Recent Study About Genetic Risk for Melanoma
- Volunteer as a MRF Melanoma Messenger
- Interview by Andrew Schorr of Patient Power
- Melanoma Organization Launches Digital Resources
- MRF Receives 4-Star Rating from Charity Navigator
- MRF Mourns Loss of Acclaimed Author
- DOD Funding 2010
- MRF Statement – IARC Announcement
- MRF Announces Commitment to International Melanoma Congress
- Category: Events
- The Melanoma Research Foundation to host the Fort Myers Miles for Melanoma 5K
- The Melanoma Research Foundation to host the San Francisco Miles for Melanoma 5K
- The Melanoma Research Foundation to host the Atlanta Miles for Melanoma 5K
- The Melanoma Research Foundation to host the Seattle Miles for Melanoma 5K
- The Melanoma Research Foundation to host the Los Angeles Miles for Melanoma 5K
- Jeff Zevely to emcee the 2024 San Diego Miles for Melanoma 5K
- The Melanoma Research Foundation to host the Los Angeles Miles for Melanoma 5K
- The Melanoma Research Foundation to host the Seattle Miles for Melanoma 5K
- Raheem Mostert Gets Naked for Melanoma Awareness Month
- The Melanoma Research Foundation Hosts Inaugural Seattle Miles for Melanoma 5k
- Guest Post: Finding Knowledge and Feeling Loved at the CURE OM Patient Symposium
- Kevin Nealon to Host Third Annual Celebrity Golf Classic to Benefit Melanoma Research Foundation November 10th
- Study: Biology of advanced uveal melanoma and next steps for clinical therapeutics
- The New York Times & Cancer Survival
- Washington, D.C. Melanoma Community Hosts Gala to Fuel Treatment Advances
- Combination Therapy Act of 2012 Introduced – H.R. 6502
- Capitol Hill Briefing Addresses How to Fight the Rising Tide of Melanoma
- FDA Approval of New Melanoma Therapy Changes Landscape for Patients
- MRF Hosts Meeting to Find New Treatments for Melanoma
- Nation’s Capital Hosts Gala to Raise Funds for Melanoma Research
- Category: Featured
- Category: Melanoma News
- FDA Announces Approval of TIL Therapy or AMTAGVI™
- National Caregiver’s Day – Nick Doble Shares His Heartfelt Journey as a Caregiver
- “Options Bring Hope” Research Grant, dedicated to Lindsay Zubeck
- Iovance Biotherapeutics Initiates Biologics License Application (BLA) Submission for Lifileucel in Advanced Melanoma
- The MRF Applauds FDA’s Commitment to Proposed Tanning Bed Rules
- FDA Grants Investigational New Drug Application for TIL Therapy
- The First FDA Approved Treatment for Metastatic Uveal Melanoma: What It Means for the OM Community
- A Monumental First Step in Uveal Melanoma
- MRF’s 25th Anniversary: Learning More about Persister Cells
- MRF’s 25th Anniversary: Encouraging Progress in the Uveal Melanoma Field
- Leading Skin Cancer Organizations Urge the FDA to Ban Tanning Beds for Minors
- FDA Grants Alkermes Orphan Drug Designation for the Treatment of Mucosal Melanoma
- MRF 25th Anniversary: Melanoma Field Needs a Pipeline of Talented Young Scientists
- Meet Dr. Weber: Melanoma Researcher
- 25th Anniversary: Building Hope Since 1996
- FDA Approves Foundation Medicine’s FoundationOne Liquid CDx, a Comprehensive Pan-Tumor Liquid Biopsy Test
- FDA Approves Atezolizumab to Treat BRAF V600 Unresectable or Metastatic Melanoma
- Governor DeSantis of Florida Signs Sunscreen Bill
- Ocular Melanoma – FDA Listening Session Report
- House Appropriations Committee Takes Important Actions on Melanoma, Cancer Funding and Skin Cancer Prevention
- Holiday Greetings in the Season of Giving
- Honoring President Carter, A 2016 Courage Award Winner
- The FDA Announces New Proposed Indoor Tanning Restrictions
- The MRF Urges Administration to Take Measures to Prevent Skin Cancer Deaths
- It Takes a Village – the Surgeon General’s Call to Action
- One Step Closer to the Next Generation of Sunscreen Products!
- Guest Post: What the FDA Tanning Announcement Means to Me
- Sunlamps and Tanning Beds Get FDA Warning
- Gov’t Puts New Age Restrictions on Tanning Beds
- Melanoma & Technology
- The MRF and PASS Coalition Applaud Introduction of the Sunscreen Innovation Act
- WUSA-TV Interview Regarding FDA Approval of First Combo Therapy for Advanced Melanoma
- Government Shutdown – Essential Personnel
- Your Action Needed: FDA Proposes Reclassification of Tanning Beds
- New Drugs Improve Options for Melanoma Patients
- Public Access to Sunscreens Coalition Launches; Calls on FDA to Create Pathway for New, Effective Sunscreen Ingredients
- Expanding Knowledge
- FDA to Consider Patient Perspective in Drug Development
- Buying Cancer with Influence
- Blunt Tools in the Art of Healing
- Closing a Gap in Health Care
- Taking a Chance on Hope
- The Gift of Time
- Left Armed Bandit
- Alphabet Soup
- Yervoy Approval in the News
- A Hero Called “ipi”
- Pharmawire Examines New FDA Guidelines on Combination Therapies
- MRF Meets with FDA on State of Melanoma Drug Development
- FDA Extends Deadline for Decision on Ipilimumab
- MRF’s Hill Briefing Generates News Coverage Nationwide
- Experts to Provide Insights at Capitol Hill Briefing Around FDA Hearing on Tanning Beds
- Patient Comments Needed For FDA Hearing on Tanning Beds
- Category: Press Release
- The Melanoma Research Foundation to host the Miami Miles for Melanoma 5K
- MRF Welcomes Rebecca Hartman, MD, MPH, Michelle Henry, MD, FAAD and Patty Pophal to the Board of Directors
- The Melanoma Research Foundation to host the San Francisco Miles for Melanoma 5K
- The Melanoma Research Foundation to host the Atlanta Miles for Melanoma 5K
- Ian Michael Crumm Poised to Receive the 2024 Melanoma Research Foundation’s Influencer Award
- Ian Michael Crumm Poised to Receive the 2024 Melanoma Research Foundation’s Influencer Award
- Jeff Zevely to emcee the 2024 San Diego Miles for Melanoma 5K
- Revo Partners with the Melanoma Research Foundation
- The Melanoma Research Foundation Welcomes Back Emmy Award-Winning Broadcaster Mike Nelson as Emcee of the 13th Annual Denver Gala
- The Melanoma Research Foundation to host the Philadelphia Miles for Melanoma 5K
- Elaine Sisk Shares her Experience as an Advocate during Advocacy Days
- Inaugural Award Poised to Advance Treatment Options for Uveal Melanoma Patients
- The Melanoma Research Foundation to Host its Inaugural 2024 Miami Miles for Melanoma 5K!
- End of Year Patient Story: Neil Corman
- Adolescent and Young Adult Wilderness Retreat Reflection
- The Melanoma Research Foundation to Host the 2023 Fort Myers Miles for Melanoma 5K!
- Alice Wertz from KTVU to Emcee the 2023 San Francisco Miles for Melanoma 5K!
- The Melanoma Research Foundation to Host the 2023 Atlanta Miles for Melanoma 5K!
- The Melanoma Research Foundation to Host the 2023 NYC Miles for Melanoma 5K!
- Jeff Zevely to return as Emcee for the 2023 San Diego Miles for Melanoma 5K!
- The Melanoma Research Foundation to Host the 2023 LA Miles for Melanoma 5K!
- The Melanoma Research Foundation to Host the 2023 New Jersey Miles for Melanoma 5K!
- Miss Washington Teen USA, Mackenzie Kuiken, and former Miss Washington USA, Mazzy Eckel, to Emcee the 2023 Seattle Miles for Melanoma 5K!
- The Melanoma Research Foundation to Host the 2023 Philadelphia Miles for Melanoma 5K!
- Evening Meteorologist for 5 Eyewitness News, Wren Clair to Emcee Melanoma Research Foundation’s Miles for Melanoma 5K
- Bob’s Bobbers: Supporting the Melanoma Community in Honor of our Superhero
- Majic WMJI Morning Show Host Mark Nolan to Emcee Melanoma Research Foundation’s Miles for Melanoma 5K
- Emmy Award-Winning Journalist and Current Anchor for WGN Midday News, Dina Bair to Emcee Melanoma Research Foundation’s Miles for Melanoma 5K!
- The Melanoma Research Foundation to Host the Denver Miles for Melanoma 5K
- The Melanoma Research Foundation to Host the Memphis Miles for Melanoma 5K
- WCVB Channel 5 Chronicle Reporter and Producer Nicole Estaphan to Emcee Melanoma Research Foundation’s Miles for Melanoma 5K
- The Voice of Dodgers Stadium, Todd Leitz, to Emcee the Melanoma Research Foundation’s 2022 Los Angeles Miles for Melanoma 5K
- The Melanoma Research Foundation to Hold San Francisco Miles for Melanoma 5K in Support of the Melanoma Community
- The Melanoma Research Foundation Returns to Atlanta for 2022 Miles for Melanoma 5k
- The Melanoma Research Foundation Welcomes Jeff Zevely as Emcee of the 2022 San Diego Miles for Melanoma 5K
- The Melanoma Research Foundation Welcomes Dina Bair as Emcee of the Chicago Miles for Melanoma 5K
- The Melanoma Research Foundation to Hold 2022 New Jersey Miles for Melanoma 5k
- Miss New York to Emcee 2022 New York Miles for Melanoma 5k
- The Melanoma Research Foundation to Host the Philadelphia Miles for Melanoma 5K
- Melanoma Research Foundation Welcomes Wren Clair as Emcee of 2022 Twin Cities Miles for Melanoma 5K
- Erik Jones Foundation Marks One-Year Anniversary with Donation to Melanoma Research Foundation
- Melanoma Research Foundation Welcomes Mark Nolan as Emcee of Cleveland Miles for Melanoma 5K
- The Melanoma Research Foundation to Host the 2022 Denver Miles for Melanoma 5K
- The Melanoma Research Foundation to Host the 2022 Memphis Miles for Melanoma 5K
- WCVB Channel 5 Chronicle Reporter and Producer Nicole Estaphan to Emcee Melanoma Research Foundation’s Miles for Melanoma 5K
- Melanoma Awareness Month: Trying to Make Good out of the Bad
- The Melanoma Research Foundation to Host the 2022 Washington, DC Miles for Melanoma 5K
- Castle Biosciences Recognizes Skin Cancer Awareness Month through Its Support of Patient-Focused Initiatives
- The Melanoma Research Foundation to Host the 2022 Florida Miles for Melanoma 5K
- Melanoma Awareness Month: In Memory of Jim Marks
- Melanoma Awareness Month: Spreading the Message of Vincero!
- Melanoma Awareness Month: The Creation of Steve’s Army
- Melanoma Research Foundation Announces Doug Brodman as Board Chair
- Miles for Melanoma: Team Farrell
- The MRF Welcomes Susan Vogel
- 2020 Spring Events Rescheduled
- COVID-19 Update
- My name is Robyn Fine, and this is my story…
- Finding a Support Network: The MRF Lifeline
- 2017 Miles for Melanoma Top Fundraisers
- FDA Expands Approval of Ipilimumab For Pediatric Melanoma Patients
- In Faith’s Words: Connecting with the OM Community
- In Wayne’s Words: Advocating as a Team
- Meet Dr. David Abrutyn, Melanoma Survivor and MRF Awardee
- Summer’s Story: The Need for an OM Patient Registry
- MRF & the Vice President’s Cancer Moonshot Program
- Meet Kayla, 9, Miles for Melanoma Denver’s Top Fundraiser!
- Actor Jason George Leads Fight Against Melanoma at the 5th Annual Miles For Melanoma 5k in Los Angeles on May 1
- In Amy’s Words: Despicable Melanoma – My Minions at Universal Studios
- Sheila – #GivingTuesday 2015
- Guest Post: Dr. Sacks, Ocular Melanoma and Gratitude
- #CUREOM Unite! – Thank You!
- FDA Approves Talimogene Laherparepvec (T-VEC) for Advanced Melanoma
- Guest Post: Connie’s Story
- World Champion Athlete Joins Fight Against Melanoma
- Guest Post: Why I Fight
- Guest Post: Why I #GetNaked for Melanoma Awareness
- Movie Buffs and Melanoma Advocates Combine Forces Against Melanoma on May 3
- Miles for Melanoma on Good Day Columbus
- FDA Approves Pembrolizumab for Advanced Melanoma
- Third Annual Miles for Melanoma 5K Run/Walk at Universal Studios
- Guest Post: Running Against Melanoma
- Atlanta Braves First Baseman Highlights Importance of Skin and Sun Safety During Melanoma Awareness Month
- Sheryl and Rob Lowe to Co-Chair MRF Miles for Melanoma 5K at Universal Studios
- Melanoma Research Foundation Provides Free Skin Checks to IRONMAN World Championship Attendees
- Universal Studios 5k Media Coverage
- Variety Magazine: Great Race at Universal Studios
- Melanoma Research Foundation Partners with Ironman to Raise Melanoma Awareness among Athletes
- Style Network Joins Universal Pictures, Pale Girl SPEAKS and the MRF in Sponsoring Miles For Melanoma Run/Walk at Universal Studios
- Making the World Go Round
- Making a Difference
- Profiles in Courage
- Melanoma Patient and Memorial Efforts Fuel Advances in Melanoma Research
- New Treatments for Melanoma and the MRF
- Two Century Cylces Employees Plan Pan-American Ride
Annual Reports
- Annual Report 2024
- Annual Report 2023
- Annual Report 2022
- Annual Report 2021
- Annual Report 2020
- Annual Report 2019
- Annual Report 2018
- Annual Report 2017
- Annual Report 2016
- Annual Report 2015
- Annual Report 2014
- Annual Report 2013
- Annual Report 2012
- Annual Report 2011
- Annual Report 2010
- Annual Report 2003
- Annual Report 2004
- Annual Report 2005
- Annual Report 2006
- Annual Report 2007
- Annual Report 2008
Data Points
- Melanoma Cases Considered Preventable
- Ocular Melanoma Funding
- MRF Research Grant Funding
- FDA Melanoma Approved Treatments & 31 Indications Treated
- Mucosal Melanoma Incidence
- Ocular Melanoma Incidence
- Adolescent & Young Adult(AYA melanoma)
- Pediatric Melanoma Incidence
- Total Incidence of Melanoma
- Melanoma Deaths Per Year
- Incidence of Melanoma Per Year
- Miles for Melanoma Tampa Bay, FL
- Ask the Expert: Stronger Together - Navigating Melanoma Caregiving and Support Services
- Pediatric Melanoma Family Retreat Weekend
- Fred Hutch Cancer Center Patient Symposium
- UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center Patient Symposium
- Eyes on a Cure: Ocular Melanoma Patient & Caregiver Symposium
- The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center Patient Symposium
- CURE OM Global Science Meeting
- Mayo Clinic Patient Symposium
- Mela-No-More Golf Tournament
- Stay Out of the Sun Run
- Melanoma Clinic Walk
- Ask the Expert: What's New in Melanoma Care? A Decade of Advances for Stage 1-3
- MRF Annual Gala - Denver
- MRF Signature Event - #GetNakedJax
- MRF Annual Gala - New York City
- Miles for Melanoma Miami, FL
- Miles for Melanoma Washington, DC
- Miles for Melanoma New England, MA
- Miles for Melanoma Denver, CO
- Miles for Melanoma Chicago, IL
- Miles for Melanoma Cleveland, OH
- Miles for Melanoma Twin Cities, MN (Tentative)
- Miles for Melanoma Philadelphia, PA
- Miles for Melanoma New York City, NY (Tentative)
- Miles for Melanoma Morristown, NJ
- Miles for Melanoma Seattle, WA (Tentative)
- Miles for Melanoma Los Angeles, CA (Tentative)
- Miles for Melanoma San Diego (Tentative)
- Miles for Melanoma Atlanta, GA (Tentative)
- Miles for Melanoma San Francisco, CA (Tentative)
- Miles for Melanoma Fort Myers, FL (Tentative)
- Ask the Expert: MRD Testing for Melanoma - The Next Step in Recurrence Prevention
- Webinar - Melanoma Matters: Our Drive for Rural Health Equity "Insurance Barriers to Care"
- Ask the Expert: Understanding the TIL Cell Therapy Patient Journey
- Ask the Expert: Understanding Uveal Melanoma: Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment Options
- Pediatric Melanoma Family Retreat Weekend
- Info Session: 2025 Pediatric Melanoma Family Retreat Weekend
- 4th Annual #GetNakedJax Beach Bash
- AYA Virtual Hangout
- 2025 Advocacy Days
- Annual New York City Gala
- Annual Denver Gala
- 13th Annual CURE OM Global Science Meeting
- Ask the Expert - Cannabis and Cancer: Removing the Stigma for Patients
- Ask the Expert: Surgical Management of Melanoma
- Ask the Expert: Shining a Light on Sun Safety and Early Detection of Melanoma
- Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center of Georgetown University Patient and Caregiver Symposium
- University of North Carolina Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center Patient and Caregiver Symposium
- CURE OM Virtual Meet and Greet
- Miles for Melanoma Miami
- Ask the Expert: TIL Cell Therapy - A Review of the Newest FDA Approved Drug for Advanced Melanoma
- Melanoma Matters: Our Drive for Rural Health Equity - Getting Screened in Rural America
- Ask the Expert: The Current State of Evolution of Immunotherapy Treatment in Melanoma
- Providence Saint John's Cancer Center Patient and Caregiver Symposium
- University of Utah Huntsman Cancer Institute Patient and Caregiver Symposium
- The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center Patient and Caregiver Symposium
- Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center Patient and Caregiver Symposium
- Ask the Expert: Oncolytic Viral Therapies in the Treatment of Melanoma and Skin Cancers
- Miles for Melanoma Fort Myers
- Miles for Melanoma Los Angeles
- Miles for Melanoma San Francisco
- Miles for Melanoma Atlanta
- Miles for Melanoma San Diego
- Miles for Melanoma Morristown
- Miles for Melanoma New York City
- Miles for Melanoma Seattle
- Miles for Melanoma Philadelphia
- Miles for Melanoma Twin Cities
- Miles for Melanoma Chicago
- Miles for Melanoma Cleveland
- Miles for Melanoma Denver
- Miles for Melanoma Washington
- Miles for Melanoma New England
- Miles for Melanoma Memphis
- Ask the Expert - Creating a Shared Vision of Progress and Hope
- 2024 Advocacy Days
- National Virtual Patient and Caregiver Symposium
- Ask the Expert: Current Treatments and the Future of Research for Melanoma
- Ask the Expert: Newly Approved Liver Directed Treatment for Uveal Melanoma
- Weill Cornell Patient Symposium
- Eyes on a Cure: Patient & Caregiver Symposium
- Ask the Expert: My Melanoma Treatment Stopped Working: What's Next?
- Miles for Melanoma Miami
- Ask the Expert: Early Detection of Mucosal Melanoma
- True North Treks Young Adult Wilderness Retreat
- 12th Annual CURE OM Global Science Meeting
- #GetNakedJax 2023
- Speak for Melanoma: Engaging the Melanoma Community in Advocacy at Home and with Policymakers
- MRF Breakthrough Consortium Annual Meeting
- Miles for Melanoma LA
- Miles for Melanoma Atlanta
- Miles for Melanoma New York
- Case Comprehensive Cancer Center Patient Symposium
- Northwest Melanoma Patient Symposium
- University of North Carolina Patient Symposium
- Miles for Melanoma Twin Cities
- Miles for Melanoma New England
- Miles for Melanoma San Diego
- Miles for Melanoma Philadelphia
- Miles for Melanoma Seattle
- Miles for Melanoma San Francisco
- Miles for Melanoma Chicago
- Miles for Melanoma New Jersey
- Miles for Melanoma Cleveland
- Miles for Melanoma Denver
- Miles for Melanoma Memphis
- Miles for Melanoma Washington DC
- Advocacy Days
- Partnering with your Team to Select Treatment for Newly Diagnosed Melanoma
- A Year in Review: 2022 Research Updates for the Melanoma Community
- Ask the Expert: Fear of Recurrence and Scanxiety
- Ask the Expert: Liver Directed Therapies for Metastatic Uveal Melanoma
- Ocular Melanoma Patient and Caregiver Symposium
- Improving Access to & Equity of Melanoma Prevention & Care (Scientific Meeting)
- Increasing Collaboration Amongst the Mucosal Melanoma Community
- CURE OM Global Science Meeting
- Ask the Expert: Front-Line Therapy Updates and How LAG3 Will Impact Treatment
- CURE OM Patient & Caregiver Symposium
- Ask the Expert: A Roadmap for Care After an Early Stage Melanoma Diagnosis
- Georgetown University Mini Patient Symposium
- Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Patient Symposium
- Huntsman Cancer Institute Patient Symposium
- University of Pennsylvania Patient Symposium
- University of North Carolina Patient Symposium
- Miles for Melanoma Seattle
- Miles for Melanoma San Francisco
- Miles for Melanoma San Diego
- Miles for Melanoma LA
- Miles for Melanoma Atlanta
- Miles for Melanoma Chicago
- Miles for Melanoma New Jersey
- Miles for Melanoma NYC
- Miles for Melanoma Philadelphia
- Miles for Melanoma Twin Cities
- Miles for Melanoma Cleveland
- Miles for Melanoma Denver
- Miles for Melanoma Memphis
- Miles for Melanoma Boston
- Miles for Melanoma DC
- Miles for Melanoma Fort Myers
- Virtual Advocacy Days
- Mastering Melanoma: Patient and Caregiver Symposium
- Los Angeles Miles for Melanoma
- 2021 San Diego Miles for Melanoma
- 2021 San Francisco Miles for Melanoma
- Yale New Haven Health Smilow Cancer Hospital: Understanding Melanoma Treatment Advances & Patient Care
- University of California San Francisco Symposium: Updates in Melanoma
- 2021 New Jersey Miles for Melanoma
- 2021 New York City Miles for Melanoma
- 10th Annual Eyes on a Cure: Patient and Caregiver Symposium
- 10th Annual CURE OM Global Science Meeting
- Pediatric Melanoma Summit
- 2021 DC Miles for Melanoma
- 21st Annual New York City Gala
- 2021 Virtual Texas Miles for Melanoma
- 2021 Cleveland Miles for Melanoma
- 2021 Virtual Atlanta Miles for Melanoma
- 2021 Twin Cities Miles for Melanoma
- 2021 Philadelphia Miles for Melanoma
- 2021 New England Miles for Melanoma
- 2021 Chicago Miles for Melanoma
- 11th Annual Denver Gala
- 2021 Virtual Florida Miles for Melanoma
- Eyes on a Cure Mini Summit: Spring Updates
- University of Pennsylvania 18th Focus on Melanoma Symposium
- Ohio State University Symposium: Updates in Melanoma
- 2021 Virtual Denver Miles for Melanoma
- 2021 Virtual Memphis Miles for Melanoma
- 2021 Melanoma Awareness Month Virtual Miles for Melanoma
- Northwest Melanoma Symposium: Updates in Melanoma
- 2021 Virtual Advocacy Days
- CURE OM Global Science Meeting
- Miles for Melanoma San Francisco
- Miles for Melanoma San Diego
- Virtual Miles for Melanoma Atlanta
- Virtual Miles for Melanoma Los Angeles
- Virtual Miles for Melanoma New Jersey
- Virtual Miles for Melanoma NYC
- Virtual San Francisco Gala
- Virtual Philadelphia Gala
- Melanoma Clinical Trials: A Panel Discussion
- Chicago Gala
- New York City Gala
- Denver Gala
- Virtual Miles for Melanoma Philadelphia
- Virtual Miles for Melanoma Twin Cities
- Virtual Miles for Melanoma Memphis
- Virtual Miles for Melanoma Cleveland
- Virtual Miles for Melanoma DC
- Virtual Miles for Melanoma New England
- Virtual Miles for Melanoma Denver
- Virtual Miles for Melanoma Chicago
- Virtual Pediatric Melanoma Summit
- CommUNITY Fundraiser: 2nd Annual Save Our Skin Walk for Melanoma Awareness
- State of Melanoma: Challenges and Opportunities
- 9th Annual CURE OM Scientific Meeting
- DC Wings of Hope Gala
- 9th Annual Eyes on a Cure: Ocular Melanoma Patient and Caregiver Global Symposium!
- New York Gala
- 17th Annual Operation Wardog
- Miles for Melanoma New England 5k
- 9th Annual Greg Maur Memorial Golf Tournament
- Dublin Triad Benefit
- Ocular Melanoma Update: A Webinar for Healthcare Providers
- River Edge, NJ Run/Walk
- SPF 5k: Shield, Prevent, Fight
- Patient Symposium - Seattle, WA
- Patient Symposium - Chapel Hill, NC
- JRD Casino Night
- Cocktails for a Cure
- Melanoma Awareness Day Honoring Brad Lanpher
- Chicago Gala
- Philadelphia Gala
- MRF Denver Gala
- Pediatric Melanoma Summit - Chicago, IL
- Patient Symposium - Los Angeles, CA
- 3rd Annual Tricia May Werner Memorial Fundraiser
- Patient Symposium - Philadelphia, PA
- Miles for Melanoma Atlanta 5k
- Miles for Melanoma NYC 5k
- Miles for Melanoma New Jersey 5k
- Miles for Melanoma Philadelphia 5k
- Mark Samitt 5K Run
- Eyes on a Cure: Patient & Caregiver Symposium
- 3rd Annual Lisa Beachy Cornhole Clash
- 4th Annual Dean's Dream: Fish for a Cure
- Patient Symposium - Columbus, OH
- 5th Annual Save the Skin Golf & Dinner Fundraiser
- 17th Annual Wings of Hope for Melanoma Gala - New York, NY
- 4th Annual Wings of Hope for Melanoma Gala - Chicago, IL
- Patient Symposium - DC/VA
- MRF Give Back Night at Yankee Stadium
- Your Next Step is the Cure 5k
- 9th Annual Pedal it Out Bike Ride for Cancer Research
- Patient Symposium - Chicago, IL
- Running the Globe for Zoi IV
- 16th Annual Operation Wardog
- Pedal It Out Fundraiser at Dogfish Head
- Patient Symposium - St. Louis, MO
- 8th Annual Greg Maur Memorial Golf Tournament
- King of Prussia Vineyard Vines Fundraiser
- 11th Annual Kevin A. Brue Melanoma Awareness Father's Day 5K
- Cycle Away Melanoma
- Sea Girt 5k
- 4th Annual Cascades MelaNoMore 5k and Fun Run
- Pediatric Melanoma Summit
- CancerCon 2018
- Miles for Melanoma Twin Cities
- Miles for Melanoma Cleveland
- Miles for Melanoma Memphis
- Miles for Melanoma San Francisco
- Miles for Melanoma Denver
- Miles for Melanoma Chicago
- Miles for Melanoma Los Angeles
- Miles for Melanoma DC
- Miles for Melanoma Boston
- Patient Symposium - Columbus, OH
- Warriors Against Melanoma Trivia Night 2018
- Patient Symposium - Chapel Hill, NC
- Patient Symposium - Philadelphia, PA
- 6th Annual Shoopy Scramble Charity Golf Tournament
- Patient Symposium - Seattle, WA
- 2020 Advocacy Summit & Hill Day
- Sunshine Showdown
- 8th Annual DC Wings of Hope for Melanoma Gala
- 7th Annual Wings of Hope Gala - Denver, CO
- Patient Symposium - Atlanta, GA
- Melanoma & Skin Cancer Survivor's Mixer
- 3rd Annual Chili's Give Back Event
- Phlock-n-Bowl
- 8th Annual Christopher Guillot Memorial Foundation Golf Tournament
- Fishing For a Cure
- Your Next Step is the Cure 5k
- Project M Pool Party
- DELGATTO Buying Event - Chicago
- 3rd Annual Dean's Dream: Fish for a Cure
- 2nd Annual Lisa Beachy Memorial Cornhole Clash
- Miles for Melanoma New Jersey
- 7th Annual Drive for the Cure Golf Tournament
- Immunotherapy Patient Summit
- Mark Samitt Run
- Witches Night Out
- 16th Annual Wings of Hope for Melanoma Gala - New York
- Youngstown's 2nd Annual Reggae Fest
- Patient Symposium - Los Angeles, CA
- Running the Globe for Zoi III
- Eyes on a Cure: Patient & Caregiver Symposium
- LuLaRoe Leggings Fundraiser
- Pedal It Out Dogfish Head AleHouse Fundraiser
- Crystals for a Cause
- Eye Patch Day
- 8th Annual Colleen M. DeMars Memorial Melanoma Fundraiser
- Shelton High School Girls Lacrosse Melanoma Awareness Night
- 2017 Team Farrell at the River Edge Run
- 7th Annual Greg Maur Memorial Golf Tournament
- 11th Annual Melanoma Miles for Mike
- 5th Annual Shoopy Scramble Charity Golf Tournament
- OrangeTheory Fitness and DLCC Fundraiser
- 15th Annual Operation Wardog
- 3rd Annual Cascades MelaNoMore 5K and 1K Fun Run
- Pediatric Melanoma Summit
- Miles for Melanoma Memphis
- Miles for Melanoma Ocean City
- 7th Annual Mela-No-No Fundraiser
- Stewarts Creek High School Men's Soccer 3rd Annual Melanoma Awareness Game
- 5th Annual Nikki's Birthday Concert for a Cure
- Educational Symposium - Austin, TX
- Ride. Rock. Rally.
- Melanoma Awareness Day Honoring Brad Lanpher
- 6th Annual Pliny Fights Cancer Charity Raffle
- Miles for Melanoma NYC
- 8th Annual Pedal It Out
- Angels for Angela 5K
- Miles for Melanoma Atlanta
- Pride Mountain Vineyards Dinner
- 2nd Annual Block the Sun Run 5k
- 3rd Annual Hoopin' for Hope
- Jim Reoh Annual Melanoma Fundraising Run
- Miles for Melanoma DC
- Patient Symposium - Chapel Hill, NC
- Patient Symposium - Philadelphia, PA
- Patient Symposium - Seattle, WA
- Black Beast Bash
- Don't Fry Day 2017
- Miles for Melanoma Philadelphia
- Miles for Melanoma Twin Cities
- Patient Symposium - Columbus, OH
- Miles for Melanoma on the Universal Studios Backlot
- Miles for Melanoma Chicago
- Miles for Melanoma Boston
- Miles for Melanoma San Francisco
- Miles for Melanoma San Diego
- Miles for Melanoma Central Ohio
- Miles for Melanoma Denver
- 2nd Annual Chili's Give Back Event
- Educational Symposium - Cincinnati, OH
- 3rd Annual Patty Davies Memorial
- 7th Annual Pedal It Out
- 4th Annual BobFest
- Miles for Melanoma San Diego
- Advocacy Summit & Volunteer Hill Day
- 2016 Lisa Beachy Memorial Cornhole Tournament
- 2nd Annual Dean's Dream: Fish for a Cure
- 7th Annual Christopher Guillot Golf Tournament
- Eyes on a Cure: Patient & Caregiver Symposium
- 1000 Island Parrotheads 11th Annual Charity Golf Tournament and Cruise In
- Run From The Sun Melanoma Awareness 5k/10k
- 1st Annual Joseph "Mike" Cardile Memorial Fundraiser Auto Show
- Phone Buddy and Peer Support Facilitator Training - DC
- First Redhead Festival
- David Bordonaro Memorial Car Show
- Tom Murphy Classic
- 3rd Annual Mary Nickell Barn Crawl
- 4th Annual PK Memorial Golf Tournament
- Miles for Melanoma Orlando
- Miles for Melanoma Raleigh
- Twitter Chat - Melanoma Just Got Personal
- Don't Fry Day 2016
- 4th Annual Melanoma Awareness Benefit
- 8th Annual Harold Quade Memorial Golf Tournament
- Skin Cancer Awareness Night with Ralphstock
- Eye Patch Day
- 10th Annual Melanoma Miles for Mike
- 9th Annual Kevin Brue Melanoma Awareness Father's Day 5k
- 4th Annual Benefit in Memory of Brett J. Mazimann
- 14th Annual Operation Wardog
- JT's 5k Run
- 9th Annual Steve Casey Memorial Golf Tournament
- 6th Annual Greg Maur Memorial Golf Tournament
- Peggy's Run 5k
- 3rd Annual Save the Skin Foundation Golf Tournament
- Miles for Melanoma San Diego
- 7th Annual James Esker Foundation Golf Tournament and Lunch
- Miles for Melanoma Salt Lake City
- 7th Annual Great Chic Challenge 5k
- Adam Turner Memorial Walk
- Miles for Melanoma San Francisco
- Corner Kickin' Cancer
- Miles for Melanoma New York City
- Patient Symposium - Chapel Hill, NC
- Immunotherapy in Melanoma Conference
- 4th Annual Shoopy Scramble Charity Golf Tournament
- Miles for Melanoma Memphis
- 7th Annual Colleen DeMars Memorial Fundraiser
- 6th Annual Drive for the Cure Golf Tournament
- Miles for Melanoma Ocean City
- Miles for Melanoma Chicago
- Patient Symposium - Seattle, WA
- 6th Annual Mela-No-No Fundraiser
- Dave DePaolo Benefit Dinner and Concert
- Block the Sun Run/Walk 5K
- Hoopin for Hope
- Pitch for a Cure Horseshoe Tournament
- Miles for Melanoma Atlanta
- Music City Miles for Melanoma
- Miles for Melanoma Central Ohio
- Miles for Melanoma San Antonio
- Miles for Melanoma Detroit
- Miles for Melanoma Savannah
- Miles for Melanoma Ft. Myers
- Miles for Melanoma on the Universal Studios Backlot
- Miles for Melanoma Las Vegas (+SDPA)
- Miles for Melanoma Philadelphia
- Miles for Melanoma New Jersey
- Miles for Melanoma Cleveland
- Miles for Melanoma Twin Cities
- Miles for Melanoma Boston
- Miles for Melanoma Denver
- Miles for Melanoma Madison
- Miles for Melanoma DC
- Miles for Melanoma Chesapeake Bay
- Team Farrell at the River Edge Run
- Patient Symposium - St. Louis, MO
- Suncoast Miles for Melanoma
- Janessa's Jewels Show
- Pediatric Melanoma Summit - Charlotte, NC
- Patient Symposium - Philadelphia, PA
- Patient Symposium - Columbus, OH
- Patient Symposium - Atlanta, GA
- Patient Symposium - Houston, TX
- #GivingTuesday
- The 6th Annual Christopher Guillot Golf Tournament
- DC Wings of Hope
- 3rd Annual BobFest
- 2016 Advocacy Summit & Hill Day!
- 6th Annual Pedal It Out
- One Run Las Vegas
- 3rd Annual Benefit in Memory of Brett J. Mazimann
- 7th Annual Pasta Dinner for Melanoma Awareness
- CURE OM Meet & Greet Denver
- 2nd Annual Cascades MelaNoMore 5K
- Fish for a Cure
- Eyes on a Cure: Patient & Caregiver Symposium
- Charlie Meyer Golf Classic for Melanoma Research
- Bob Miller Oyster Fest
- Miles for Melanoma Phoenix
- Book Tour on a Trike
- Brody and Maxton's Lemonade Stand Fundraiser
- 5th Annual Drive for the Cure Golf Tournament
- Wings of Hope for Melanoma, New York
- The Miami Marlins MRF Night
- 2015 Peer-to-Peer Phone Buddy Training
- 2nd Annual Mary Nickell Barn Crawl
- The PK Memorial Golf Tournament
- Miles for Melanoma Orlando
- 2nd Annual Addison's Army Against Melanoma Golf Tournament
- Catch a Cure
- Patient Symposium - Washington, DC
- 2nd Annual Driving Away Melanoma
- Miles for Melanoma Miami
- JT's 5k Run
- Save the Skin Foundation Golf Tournament
- Miles for Melanoma New York City
- Don't Fry Day 2015
- Operation Wardog
- 4th Annual Wings of Hope for Melanoma Gala, Philadelphia
- Miles for Melanoma Atlanta
- 3rd Annual Melanoma Awareness Benefit
- Twitter Chat: Immunotherapy for Melanoma
- Patient Symposium - Atlanta, GA
- Washington Odd Fellows Cruise for a Cure
- Miles for Melanoma Memphis
- 5th Annual Greg Maur Memorial Golf Tournament
- Mark the SPOT! Cut-A-Thon
- Wings of Hope for Melanoma Gala - Chicago
- Miles for Melanoma Detroit
- Martinis for Melanoma
- Miles for Melanoma New Jersey
- Chili's Give Back Event
- Miles for Melanoma Twin Cities
- Miles for Melanoma Philadelphia
- 2015 Annual Kevin A. Brue 5k Race
- A Sunday Afternoon on Broadway
- Miles for Melanoma Salt Lake City
- 6th Annual Great Chic Challenge 5K
- MRF Virtual Hill Day
- Miles for Melanoma Cleveland
- Miles for Melanoma San Antonio
- Music City Miles for Melanoma
- Miles for Melanoma San Francisco
- Miles for Melanoma San Diego
- 10th Annual KENTucky Derby
- 2015 Worm Burner Classic in Memory of Les Conner
- Miles for Melanoma Chicago
- Brad Lanpher Melanoma Awareness Day
- Fun-Raiser at Souplantation in honor of Alex "Lex" Nguyen
- 3rd Annual Shoopy Scramble Charity Golf Tournament
- 4th Annual Miles for Melanoma 5K on the Universal Studios Backlot
- Miles for Melanoma DC
- A Dash for Cover 5K and Fun Run
- Miles for Melanoma Chesapeake Bay
- Miles for Melanoma at the Seattle Shore Run
- Suncoast Miles for Melanoma
- Miles for Melanoma Denver
- Miles for Melanoma at the River Edge Run (NJ)
- Patient Symposium - Philadelphia, PA
- 6th Annual Colleen DeMars Memorial Fundraiser
- March for Melanoma
- Miles for Melanoma Block the Sun Run
- Miles for Melanoma Central Ohio
- Miles for Melanoma Savannah
- Miles for Melanoma Ft. Myers
- Miles for Melanoma Ocean City, NJ
- Advocacy Webinar
- 2nd Annual Lisa Beachy Memorial Golf Outing
- 9th Annual Wings of Hope for Melanoma Gala - San Francisco
- Sixth Annual Wings of Hope for Melanoma Gala - Denver
- Pediatric Melanoma Summit
- 6th Annual Pasta Dinner
- #GivingTuesday Meets Its Match!
- Twitter Chat: Coping With The Holidays
- 6th Annual Central Ohio Pasta Dinner
- Benefit Gala in honor of Scott Holm and Bob O'Grady
- 2015 MRF Advocacy Summit & Hill Day
- Miles for Melanoma Las Vegas
- Prestage Farms of Oklahoma 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk
- Sailing in the Sun Regatta
- Miles for Melanoma San Diego
- #GetNaked Hawaiian Luau Fundraiser
- Prevent Melanoma "Umbrella" 5k Walk
- Bob Heist Memorial Golf Outing
- Patient Symposium - Houston, TX
- Melanoma Awareness Cruz-In 2014 in memory of Tom Summers
- Tom Condon Memorial Golf Tournament
- Patient Symposium - Chapel Hill, NC
- Frankly Speaking About Cancer: Immunotherapy Advances in Melanoma
- Cascades MelaNoMore 5k and 1k Fun Run
- Black Out Melanoma
- Patient Symposium - Columbus, OH
- Patient Symposium - Seattle, WA
- CME Course: "Melanoma Biology & Patient Management"
- 4th Annual Charlie Meyer Golf Classic
- Cave CrossFit Tighty Whitey WOD
- Miles for Melanoma Orlando
- "Poker Run" Boat Crawl at the Lake of the Ozarks
- 4th Annual Terry Patters Memorial Golf Tournament and Wine Tour
- Rick's Run for Melanoma
- Nearly Naked 5K
- Eyes on a Cure: Patient & Caregiver Symposium
- Miles for Melanoma Atlanta
- Inaugural Pediatric Melanoma Summit
- Wings of Hope for Melanoma Gala - Washington, D.C.
- 4th Annual Drive for the Cure Golf Tournament
- Friends of Thomas Gutheil 4th Annual Banquet Casino Night
- BlueRock Energy's Inaugural "Save the Skin" Golf & Dinner Fundraiser
- 2nd Annual MRS EYEstrong Wood Bat Softball Tournament
- Lisa Beachy Memorial Golf Scramble
- Operation Wardog
- Miles for Melanoma Hancock, NY
- Miles for Melanoma Raleigh
- 7th Annual Kevin A Brue Melanoma Awareness Father's Day 5K Run
- Wings of Hope for Melanoma Gala - New York
- Wings of Hope for Melanoma Gala - Philadelphia
- Music City Miles for Melanoma
- Frank J Mottes Memorial 5K
- 11th Annual Lawrence Poplawski Memorial Golf Outing
- Twitter Chat: Early Detection
- JT's 5K Run
- 3rd Annual John Buksa Classic
- Susan Rostas Memorial Fundraiser
- 2014 National Volunteer Summit
- VIP Reception
- Peck's Pirates 5K
- The Great Chic Challenge
- Miles over Melanoma
- 2nd Annual Benefit for Brett J. Mazimann
- Mad Scramble
- Melanoma Miles for Mike
- Miles for Melanoma Cleveland
- Miles for Melanoma Ocean City, NJ
- Zumba Fundraiser
- 2nd Annual Shoopy Scramble Golf Tournament
- Miles for Melanoma Block the Sun Run
- 4th Annual Greg Maur Memorial Golf Tournament
- TKO Melanoma
- A Million Miles in May
- Miles for Melanoma Seattle
- Miles for Melanoma New Jersey
- 5th Annual Colleen M. Demars Memorial Fundraiser
- KENTucky Derby
- Twitter Chat: Clinical Trials
- Brad Lanpher Melanoma Awareness Day
- Miles for Melanoma Central Ohio
- Miles for Melanoma Twin Cities
- Miles for Melanoma Chicago
- Phone Buddy Training (West Coast)
- 3rd Annual Celebrity Golf Classic with Kevin Nealon
- Miles for Melanoma at River Edge Run
- Miles for Melanoma Georgia
- Patient Symposium - Philadelphia, PA
- Wings of Hope for Melanoma Gala - San Francisco
- Naylor Wine Cellar Melanoma Benefit
- Patient Symposium - Atlanta, GA
- Mephisto's Masquerade & Casino Night
- Wings of Hope for Melanoma Gala - Denver
- Suncoast Miles for Melanoma
- Miles for Melanoma at Universal Studios
- Miles for Melanoma Denver
- Miles for Melanoma DC
- 2014 Legislative Hill Day!
- Patient Symposium - Seattle, WA
- Patient Symposium - Columbus, OH
- Navigating Malignant Melanoma: A Unique Physician, Nurse & Patient Seminar Series
- Navigating Malignant Melanoma: A Unique Physician, Nurse & Patient Seminar Series
- #GivingTuesday
- 2nd Annual Jingle Mingle for CURE OM
- 5th Annual Pasta Dinner for Melanoma Awareness
- 1,000 Miles for Ocular Melanoma
- 1,000 Miles for Ocular Melanoma
- Cheryl Gehrer Runs the Rock 'n' Roll Marathon for CURE OM
- Eyes on a Cure Patient & Caregiver Symposium - Los Angeles, CA
- Navigating Malignant Melanoma: A Unique Physician, Nurse & Patient Seminar Series
- 5k Walk-for-Wiredog (James F. Norris)
- Chris Jordan running in VA Running Festival 1/2 marathon for CURE OM
- Strength in Numbers
- Predator USA Charity Golf Tournament
- 2nd Annual John Buksa III Classic Softball Tournament
- Miles for Melanoma Central Ohio
- Webinar - Caring for the Caregiver
- BOB FEST 2013
- 2nd Annual Celebrity Golf Classic with Kevin Nealon
- Wings of Hope for Melanoma Gala - Washington, D.C.
- Wings of Hope for Melanoma Gala - Philadelphia
- 2nd Annual Miles for Melanoma Las Vegas at the OneRun Town Square
- Exclusive: Shop Tahari to Benefit the MRF!
- Nutrition & Melanoma Webinar
- Educational Symposium - Washington, D.C.
- Wine Tasting
- Tim Scott plays Speedgolf for CURE OM
- Healing from the Inside Out
- Sunscreen Stroll 5K
- Don't Fry Day 2013
- 3rd Annual Drive for the Cure - In Memory of Brett Lamb
- Carmen Cortes Fight Against Melanoma Run/Walk
- 5th Annual Tipping for a Cure- In Memory of Ed Wotier
- Flap Jack Fundraiser
- Miles for Melanoma Seattle at Shore Run
- Miles for Melanoma Denver 5K Run/Walk
- The Great Chic Challenge
- 3rd Annual Greg Maur Memorial Golf Tournament
- 1st Annual Benefit for Brett J. Mazimann
- 2nd Annual Joey G. Golf Scramble
- 10th Annual Lawrence Poplawski Memorial Golf Outing
- 4th Annual Mela -no -no Fundraiser
- MRF's Third Annual Legislative Hill Day
- Nikki Harbough's 5K Run/Walk
- Twins Days 5K Run and Fun Walk
- 2013 KENTucky Derby
- A Night for Nicki
- 4th Annual Colleen M. DeMars Memorial Fundraiser
- March 4 Meg
- 5th Annual Melanoma Awareness Day
- Stacy's Rage Against Melanoma
- TKO Melanoma 5K Run/Walk
- DC Benefit Concert for CURE OM
- Ironman World Championships Kona
- Ironman Wisconsin
- Ironman Memorial Hermann- The Woodlands, TX
- Ironman Louisville
- Ironman Lake Tahoe
- Ironman Lake Placid
- Ironman Florida PCB
- Ironman Coeur d'Alene
- Ironman Arizona
- Ironman Raleigh 70.3
- Ironman Florida 70.3
- Ironman Boulder
- Miles for Melanoma Chicago- Teb's Troops
- Miles for Melanoma Team Farrell at River Edge Run
- Miles for Melanoma Raleigh-Amanda Wall-Corey Haddon Memorial Walk
- Miles for Melanoma New Jersey
- 3rd Annual Music City Miles for Melanoma 5k Run/Walk
- 2nd Annual Miles for Melanoma St. Paul presented by Dermatology Consultants
- Miles for Melanoma Georgia
- Miles for Melanoma Doin it for Deb
- Miles for Melanoma DC
- Miles for Melanoma Atlanta
- Miles for Melanoma Ocean City 5K
- Block the Sun Miles for Melanoma 5K
- Balmoral Turkey Trot
- Suncoast Miles for Melanoma 5K
- Wings of Hope for Melanoma - New York
- Live Webinar: Managing Melanoma - Understanding the Latest Treatment Options
- Wings of Hope for Melanoma Gala - San Francisco
- Wings of Hope for Melanoma - Denver
- MRF's First Annual National Volunteer Summit
- Second Annual Miles for Melanoma 5K Run/Walk at Universal Studios
- CURE OM Meet & Greet - Chicago
- Wings of Hope DC Gala
- Sarah Smith in the Rev 3 Aquabike Event
- Jingle Mingle Holiday Tree Auction and Raffle to Support CURE OM
- Chris Jordan Runs Half Marathon
- CURE OM Meet and Greet
- 2012 Celebrity Golf Classic, Hosted by Kevin Nealon
- Friends of Thomas Gutheil, 3rd Annual Fundraiser Banquet-Casino Night
- 1st Annual John Buksa III Softball Classic
- 2nd Annual Freedom Fun and Ride
- 4th Annual MelaNoMo! Fundraiser
- 2012 Miko Memorial Bike Ride
- Phone Buddy Volunteer Training
- 2nd Annual Brett Lamb Melanoma Awareness Golf Tournament
- Miles for Melanoma - Book It For Bobbie
- Ironman 70.3 Austin
- 2nd Annual Amanda Wall-Corey Haddon Memorial Walk
- 2nd Annual Music City Miles for Melanoma 5k Run/Walk
- Walk for Wiredog
- 6th Annual Miles for Melanoma New Jersey 5k Run/Walk
- 5th Annual Miles for Melanoma Delaware 5k Run/Walk
- Ironman 70.3 Steelhead
- Ironman 70.3 Boulder
- 2012 Teb's Troops Miles for Melanoma Chicago 5K
- Third Annual Hog Jog to Cure Melanoma 5k
- Green Bay Packer official NFL Football Auction
- Miles for Melanoma 5K, presented by Dermatology Consultants
- 10th Annual Operation Wardog
- Motorcycles Against Melanoma
- Sunscreen Stroll 5K
- Free Skin Screening, Nashville, TN
- 2nd Annual Terry Patters Memorial Golf Tournament Benefitting Melanoma Research
- Wings of Hope for Melanoma Gala - New York
- Miles for Melanoma Block the Sun Run
- Choptank Trot for Melanoma
- The LAB Ride
- 2012 KENTucky Derby
- Wings of Hope for Melanoma Gala - Denver
- Wings of Hope for Melanoma Gala - San Francisco
- Volunteer Legislative Hill Day
- Joey G. Golf Tournament
- MRF Volunteer Training
- MRF Volunteer Training
- Miles for Melanoma Andrea Sheridan 5K Race and Family Fun Walk; Ocean City, NJ
- Fifth Annual Our M.O.M. Miles Over Melanoma 5K
- Doin' it for Deb, a Miles for Melanoma 5K Run/Walk; Rock Island, IL
- 2012 Miles for Melanoma Universal Studios 5k Run/Walk, Los Angeles
- FREE Skin Screening at Ironman St. George, UT
- Colleen DeMars Memorial Fundraiser
- Mela-no-no Fundraiser
- Annual Evening for Ed: Tipping towards a Cure
- Don't Fry Day
- 3rd Annual Miles for Melanoma Georgia; Augusta, GA
- Suncoast Miles for Melanoma 5k Run/Walk; Tampa, FL
- Melanoma Awareness Day at Sunlight Mountain Resort
- Miles for Melanoma This One's for Andrew!
- Night for Nicki
- Amy Grant - Miles for Melanoma in the Jacksonville Bank Half Marathon
- 3rd Annual Pasta Dinner for Melanoma Awareness
- Chicago Wolves Fundraising Game
- The Brenda MacDonald Melanoma Research Foundation Wings of Hope DC Gala
- Santa Pub Crawl
- Falcon Crest 30th Anniversary Reunion & Fundraiser
- Michele Bergamotto - Miles for Melanoma in the New York City Marathon
- Carmen Chappetta - Miles for Melanoma in the New York City Marathon
- Alex Scarbrough & Team - Miles for Melanoma in the Ragnar Relay
- Erin Warshaw - Miles for Melanoma in the Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon
- Paul LaRosa - Miles for Melanoma in the Fox Cities Marathon
- Brad Steshoski - Miles for Melanoma in the Rock 'n' Roll Virginia Beach Half Marathon
- TEAMM4M Richmond Marathon and Half Marathon
- TEAMM4M Wilson Bridge Half Marathon
- TEAMM4M Denver Marathon and Half Marathon
- TEAMM4M VA Beach Turkey Trot
- MRF goes to the Jacksonville Jaguars game against the Cincinnati Bengals
- Miles for Melanoma Raleigh, Amanda Wall and Corey Haddon Memorial Walk
- 5th Annual Miles for Melanoma New Jersey
- 6th Annual KDB Memorial 5k
- 1st Annual Music City Miles for Melanoma 5k Run/Walk
- Stacy Irons - Miles for Melanoma in the Ragnar Relay
- Stacy Irons - Miles for Melanoma in the Rock 'n' Roll Denver Half Marathon
- Stacy Irons - Miles for Melanoma in the Tri for the Cure
- Yvette M. Jarvis Memorial Fundraiser
- Jacksonville TEAMM4M - Marine Corps 1/2 Marathon & 5k
- No-Shenanigans - The 3rd Annual Nathan Bloom Classic Golf Tournament and Fundraiser
- Scott Fenn Memorial Yard Sale
- Katy Sirovatka - Miles for Melanoma in the Ironman Wisconsin
- Harley Ride Around US
- Geoff Duncan - Miles for Melanoma Off Road Assault on Cancer
- Sally Stilwell - Miles for Melanoma in the New York City Marathon
- Larissa Lakatos - Miles for Melanoma in the Hershey Half Marathon
- Lori Garrett - Miles for Melanoma in the Baltimore Half Marathon
- Miko Memorial Ride
- 10th Anniversary Wings of Hope Gala-New York
- Melanoma Messengers Training-DENVER
- Angels Among Us - 6th Annual Poker Run
- Fourth Annual Putt, Hike & Bike
- 2011 Twins Days 5k Run & Fun Walk
- 1st Annual Terry Patters Golf Tournament Benefitting Melanoma Research
- Carter's Crusade Melanoma Awareness Month Activities
- Dancers United Concert for a Cause
- MelaNoMo!
- Larissa Lakatos - Miles for Melanoma in the Deckers Creek Trail Half Marathon
- The Octopus's Garden Fundraiser
- Jeff Oberlander - Miles for Melanoma in the Seattle Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon
- John R. Kartes Memorial Motorcycle Ride & Event
- Ralphstock Music Festival
- 4th Annual Miles for Melanoma Delaware
- Melanoma Messengers Training-Seattle
- Sally Stilwell - Miles for Melanoma in the Ragnar Relay
- Annual Evening for Ed: Tipping towards a Cure
- The Greg Maur Memorial Golf Tournament
- Teb's Troop's Miles for Melanoma Chicago 5K Sponsored by Stowell & Friedman, Ltd.
- Leglislative Hill Day
- 3rd Annual Harold Quade Memorial Golf Tournament
- Friends of Thomas Gutheil Dinner/Dance
- 9th Annual Doin' It for Deb
- Suncoast Miles for Melanoma 5k Run/Walk
- The Susan Fazio Foundation 4th Annual Dinner and Auction
- The Susan Fazio Foundation 2nd Annual Run Against Melanoma 5K Run/Walk
- Miles for Melanoma Block The Sun Run
- Nancy Fox Memorial Dart Tournament
- Kspin Designs Trunk Show Fundraiser
- Colleen DeMars Memorial Fundraiser
- 9th Annual Operation Wardog
- Penny, Hawken & Mark Oldfather and Randy Outhouse - Miles for Melanoma in the Parke County 5k
- Ashley Outhouse - Miles for Melanoma in the Parke County 50k
- Ashley Outhouse - Miles for Melanoma in the Rockford Marathon
- Lori Garrett - Miles for Melanoma in the Frederick Half Marathon
- Tom Ryerson - Miles for Melanoma in the Cincinnati Flying Pig Half Marathon
- Stacy Irons - Miles for Melanoma in the Rock 'n' Roll Nashville Half Marathon
- Suzanne Wilson - Miles for Melanoma in the More|Fitness Half Marathon
- Victoria Hebb - Miles for Melanoma in the Ukrop's Monument Avenue 10k
- Debbie Ward - Miles for Melanoma in the Carlsbad Half Marathon
- Vanderbilt Cancer Survivorship Conference
- Run from the Sun
- The Susan Fazio Foundation Golf Outing
- Don’t Be a Fool - Respect the Rays!
- Denny's Challenge 5k Run/Walk
- Andrea Sheridan 5K Race and Family Fun Walk
- Thomas W. Barner Memorial Fund
- KENTucky Derby
- 4th Annual Miles Over Melanoma
- Miles for Melanoma: Bloomsbury's EARLy Dectection 5k Run/Walk
- Melanoma Awareness Day at Sunlight Mountain Resort
- Heather Anderson Land Melanoma Awareness Day
- Pasta Dinner Melanoma Fundraiser
- Moonlight and Melanoma Walk of Hope
- Cocktails for a Cure
- Raise Your Awareness, and Your Glass—A Toast to Melanoma Survivorship
- Wolfgang Schlinkert "Check It Out" Melanoma Benefit
- Shaun Samuels - Miles for Melanoma in the Ironman World Championships
- Mindful Movement & Massage
- Lindsey Dyn - Miles for Melanoma in the Marine Corps Marathon
- Larissa Lakatos - Miles for Melanoma in the Kansas City Marathon
- Jennifer Henshall - Miles for Melanoma in the CVS Caremark Downtown 5K
- Michael Neumann - Miles for Melanoma in the Denver Rock n' Roll Half-Marathon
- Brad Rogers - Miles for Melanoma in the Denver Rock n' Roll Marathon
- Aaron Hall - Miles for Melanoma in the Austin Half-Ironman
- Sara Sonstroem - Miles for Melanoma in the Hartford Half-Marathon
- Angus Scott - Miles for Melanoma in the Westchester Triathlon
- Katelyn Krumperman - Miles for Melanoma in the G.S.W. Tri-State Seacoast Century Ride
- Project Red Walrus
- Take a Pass on Melanoma!
- Chicago Wolves Fundraising Game
- Wings of Hope DC
- Mix-n-Mingle for Melanoma
- 2010 Sam I Am Duathlon, Fun Run, & Walk
- Third Annual Putt, Hike and Bike Fundraiser
- Rays of Hope for Melanoma
- Wings of Hope
- TEAMM4M and the Rock Cats for Melanoma Research
- First Annual Jonnie Newcomer Golf Invitational
- UV Safety Fundraiser with Beach Bunny Swimwear and Dinair
- Univ. of Minnesota Medical School - Miles for Melanoma DIG in the Twin Cities Marathon
- Miko Memorial Bike Ride
- Pale is the New Tan© 5K
- Poolside Party at Big Vanilla Athletic Club
- Hugh Allen - Miles for Melanoma USA Bike Ride For Melanoma Research
- 3rd Annual Miles for Melanoma of Delaware 5K Run/Walk
- No-shenanigans Golf Tournament and Fund Raiser
- 5th Annual KDB Melanoma 5K Run/Walk
- Annual Evening for Ed: Tipping Towards a Cure
- TriCo Pools Kids Triathalon
- TriCo Pools Kids Triathalon
- Twins Day 5k Run & Fun Walk
- 1st Annual Melanoma Family and Friends Walk
- Kasi Johnson - Miles for Melanoma in the Seattle Marathon
- Heather Laurel - Miles for Melanoma in the Philadelphia Marathon
- Heather Laurel - Miles for Melanoma in the New York City Marathon
- Jeremy Anderson and Holly Lyons - Miles for Melanoma in the Chicago Marathon
- Katie Taylor - Miles for Melanoma in the L.L. Bean 10K
- Jamie Loomis - Miles for Melanoma in the BAA Half-Marathon
- Jamie Loomis - Miles for Melanoma in the Falmouth Road Race 7M
- Jamie Loomis - Miles for Melanoma in Blessing of the Fleet 10M
- Jamie Loomis - Miles for Melanoma in Boston's Run to Remember Half-Marathon
- Jonathan Wollam - Miles for Melanoma in the San Diego Rock n' Roll Marathon
- Carter's Crusade at the Ohio State H.O.G. Rally
- The Black Ribbon Benefit
- Jersey Shore Themed Charity Party
- Mix-n-Mingle for Melanoma
- Let’s Stomp Out Melanoma!
- Our M.O.M., Inc. and the St. Louis Cardinals
- Melanoma Awareness Night at Byrne’s Pub
- Dawn Blake - Miles for Melanoma in the Baldwin Park Half-Marathon
- Leiah Bowen - Miles for Melanoma in Grandma's Marathon
- Dena Powell - Miles for Melanoma in the Steamboat Marathon
- Thomas W. Barner Memorial Barbecue
- Melanoma Messengers Training
- Denny's Challenge 5K Run/Walk for Melanoma
- Sally Stilwell - Miles for Melanoma in the Ragnar Relay
- 7th Annual Lawrence Poplawski Memorial Golf Outing
- Golfing for Gloria
- Mollie Biggane Fund's Annual Educational Symposium
- Operation SMILE - A Melanoma Awareness Event in Memory of Jessica Coleman and Susan Fazio
- 2nd Annual Talk While You Walk & 5K Run for Peggy Spiegler
- Run Against Melanoma 5K Run/Walk
- 4th Annual New Jersey Miles for Melanoma Run-Walk
- 2nd Annual Susan Fazio Foundation Golf Outing
- Margaritas for Melanoma
- 1st Annual Melanoma Walk in Dayton, Ohio
- Nancy Fox Memorial Dart Tournament
- Melanoma Awareness Picnic
- Alumni Basketball Game in Memory of Heather Anderson Land
- Heather Anderson Land Melanoma Awareness Day
- TEAM M4M - Wilson Bridge Half Marathon
- Miles for Melanoma Block the Sun Run
- Skin Cancer Awareness Golf Tournament
- Mela-no-no Fundraiser
- Harold Quade Memorial Golf Tournament
- Melanoma Awareness Day with the Riversharks
- Operation Wardog in memory of Staff Sgt. Jon Warrington
- Miles for Melanoma of Delaware - Beef & Beer Fundraiser
- Frederick Hines - Miles for Melanoma Ride Across America
- Caroline Hannigan - Miles for Melanoma in the Country Music Half-Marathon
- Miles for Melanoma Doin' It For Deb
- Run From The Sun 5k Run/Walk
- TEAMM4M - Rock 'n' Roll Denver Marathon
- TEAMM4M - ING Hartford Marathon
- Third Annual Miles Over Melanoma
- Spring Festival for the Elizabeth R. Smith Melanoma Cancer Memorial Fund
- TEAM M4M - Marine Corps Marathon
- Grayson High School Art Exhibit and Auction
- Miles for Melanoma DIG NY Medical Centers in the Run for the Parks 4M
- Victoria Hebb - Miles for Melanoma in Ukrop's Monument Ave 10k
- Breakfast and Book Signing with Author Kelly Corrigan
- Melanoma Awareness Day at Sunlight Mountain Resort
- Samantha Guelda - Miles for Melanoma in the Kentucky Derby Festival Half-Marathon
- The Octopus's Garden Fundraiser
- Tristan Bates - Miles for Melanoma One Wheel-One Cure
- Univ. of Alabama - Miles for Melanoma DIG in the Mercedes Marathon
- Miles for Melanoma Georgia 5k Run/Walk
- Andrea Sheridan Memorial Melanoma Walk
- Meghan Hession - Miles for Melanoma in the Boston Marathon
- Sonia Reynolds - Miles for Melanoma in the Big Sur International Marathon
- Teb's Troops - March on Melanoma Chicago 5k
- Teb's Troops - A Call to Arms Fundraising Event
- a Cappella for a Cure
- Melanoma Messengers Training
- KENTucky Derby
- Larissa Lakatos - Miles for Melanoma in the Pittsburgh Marathon
- Jenny McGregor - Miles for Melanoma in the Yuengling Shamrock Marathon
- Catherine Rudd - Miles for Melanoma in the SoBeFit 5k Run & Walk
- Katie Peoples - Miles for Melanoma in the Broad Street Run
- Julie Clooney - Miles for Melanoma in the GO! St. Louis Half-Marathon
- Lisa Amato - Miles for Melanoma in the Long Island Half-Marathon
- Miles for Melanoma Full Spectrum Dermatology 5k Run/Walk
- Sally Stilwell - Miles for Melanoma in P.F. Chang's Rock 'n' Roll Arizona Half-Marathon
- Greg & Kyle Ernst - Miles for Melanoma in P.F. Chang's Rock 'n" Roll Arizona Half-Marathon
- "Peck's Pirates" - Miles for Melanoma in the Riverfront Race Festival
- Melissa Warner - Miles for Melanoma in the Walt Disney World Half-Marathon
- Carter's Crusade Buffett on the Beach Black Ribbon Event
- Hack n' Smack Celebrity Golf Tournament
- Central Ohio Melanoma Foundation Pasta Dinner and Raffle
- Champions for a Cure
- Willie Groshell - Oregon Melanoma March
- Chicago Bulls Game for MRF
- Melanoma Messengers Training
- Stay at Home Dinner Fundraiser
- Miles for Melanoma - Atlanta Half-Marathon
- Miles for Melanoma - Tyler Wille
- Miles for Melanoma - JFK 50 Mile
- Miles for Melanoma in San Antonio (TX) Rock & Roll
- Miles for Melanoma - Bill Gaudelli - NYC Marathon
- Miles for Melanoma - Marine Corps Marathon
- Melanoma Messengers Training
- Miles for Melanoma by Kristine Bobrowski
- 4th Annual KDB Melanoma Walk/5K Run
- Lenore Goldberg Memorial Golf Outing
- Miles for Melanoma - Portland Marathon
- 2009 Wings of Hope for Melanoma Gala
- 2nd Annual Miles for Melanoma of Delaware 5K Run and Walk
- Miles for Melanoma in the ING Philadelphia Distance Run
- 2009 New Jersey Miles for Melanoma Run/Walk
- 2nd Annual Putt, Hike & Bike Fundraiser
- Miles for Melanoma - Chicago Half-Marathon
- Biking for Melanoma
- The Black Ribbon Benefit
- Strike Out Melanoma Day!
- 2009 Twins Days 5K Run & Fun Walk
- Pale in the New Tan 5K
- Annual Poker Run
- Angels Among Us - Motorcylce POKER Run in Memory of Bruce Schocken
- 8th Annual Hot Rod Cruise
- Don Aronow Memorial Golf Classic
- Celebrity Scoop
- 9th Annual Nancy Fox Memorial Dart Tournament
- Talk While You Walk for Peggy Spiegler
- Miles for Melanoma in Seattle Rock & Roll Marathon
- Miles for Melanoma in the Father's Day 5K Race Against Prostate Cancer
- 3rd Annual Block the Sun Run/Miles for Melanoma 5K Race & 3K Fun Walk
- Miles for Melanoma in Honor of Matt Brooks
- 5th Annual Linda Transou March
- 3rd Annual Full Spectrum Screening 5K
- Miles for Melanoma in the Med-City Half Marathon
- Miles for Melanoma in the Boston Run to Remember
- 1st Annual Harold Quade Memorial Golf Tournament
- Miles for Melanoma - Run for the Red Marathon
- Annual Thomas W. Barner Memorial Barbecue
- Miles for Melanoma by Cameron McClean
- MelaNoMore!
- 2009 Legends for a Cure fundraising Gala: San Francisco. May 14, 2009
- 6th Annual Hack n' Smack Celebrity Classic in Memory of Kerry Daveline
- 2nd Annual Miles over Melanoma 2009
- Miles for Melanoma in the I Drive U Run 5K
- 7th Annual Doin' It for Deb, Miles for Melanoma 5K Walk
- Miles for Melanoma for Matt Brooks
- 7thAnnual Operation Wardog in Memory of Staff Sgt Jon Warrington
- Miles for Melanoma in the Muddy Marathon
- 4th Annual KENTucky Derby Mela-No-More
- Run from the Sun 5K Run/Walk
- Miles for Melanoma - Amy Morin - ING Georgia Marathon & Half Marathon
- Miles for Melanoma in Disney Princess Half Marathon
- Fundraiser at Sunlight Mountain Resort in Memory of Brad Lanpher
- DIG Miles for Melanoma - University of Alabama
- Join us for Melanoma Awareness Night at the Philadelphia 76ers!
- 3rd Annual Black Ribbon Ball
- Miles for Melanoma - Isabella Norcini - ING Miami Marathon
- Chicago Bulls Games in Memory of Robert Hansen
- Annual ALM Miles for Melanoma
- Susan Fazio Melanoma Research Foundation Gala
- Ronnie Behringer's Miles for Melanoma - New York City Marathon
- Bill Gaudelli's Miles for Melanoma - New York City Marathon
- Miles for Melanoma: City of Oaks Marathon & Half-Marathon
- Education Program Manager
- Development Event Intern
- Chief Scientific Officer
- Operations Officer
- Event Logistics Coordinator
Research Grants
- MicroRNA in regulation and targeting of the cKit receptor in malignant melanoma
- Requirements for MITF-regulated melanomas: Identification of novel drug targets
- Targeted therapy for melanoma
- Targeting kinases to treat melanomas
- Regulation of melanoma metastasis by the tumor microenvironment: The role of Platelet Activating Factor (PAF) and PAF receptor
- Particle mediated epidermal delivery of xenogeneic gp100 DNA vaccines for melanoma
- Role of lysosomal thiolreductase GILT in the activation of melanoma-specific T lymphocytes
- Inducing potent anti-tumor immunity against melanoma using cytokine/antibody immune complexes
- Investigating the role of small Ribonucleic Acids (RNAs) in the progression of cutaneous melanoma
- Neuronal apoptosis by the prolyl hydroxylase EgIN3: Oxygen sensing and cancer
- Interrogating the role of HIF in malignant melanoma
- Integrating genetic and morphologic features of melanoma to improve disease classification
- Mechanism of UVB initiation of melanoma: a novel in vivo approach
- Regulatory immune cell interactions in the microenvironment of melanoma metastases
- EphA2 as a therapeutic target for malignant melanoma
- Developing novel compounds to inhibit Akt3 signaling in melanoma
- The role of Suppressors of Cytokine Signaling (SOCS) in mediating the anti-tumor proprties of Interferon-alpha (IFN-a)
- The molecular mechanism of melanoma sentinel node immunosuppression
- Population-based whole genome association study of melanoma risk using DNA pooling
- LAMP-2 function in cytoplasmic antigen presentation by human melanomas
- The role of erythropoietin and its receptor in melanoma cell survival in vivo
- Origin of regulatory CD4-T cells in metastic malignant melanoma
- A mouse model of BRAF-induced melanoma
- Generating and maintaining post-excisional immunity against poorly-immunogenic melanoma
- Mechanisms of immune system-mediated tumor regressions in patients with melanoma
- The role of coactosin in melanoma motility and metastasis
- Small molecule antagonists of oncoprotein myc as inhibitors of malignant melanoma
- Investigation of FGFR2 as a novel oncogene in melanoma
- Targeting BRAF and INK4A lesions in melanoma treatment
- Identification of novel molecular targets for the treatment of melanoma
- Functional significance of the activating V599E B-Raf mutation in melanoma tumorigenesis
- Yeast vaccine: A novel melanoma vaccine
- Characterization of melanocyte transformation by Grm1
- Crystal structure of recombinant melanoma differentiation associated protein-7 (IL-24): Engineering MDA-7 for therapeutic purposes
- Immunotherapy against melanoma
- Regulation of T cell migration into melanoma metastases
- Role of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-D (VEGF-D) in the biology of melanoma lymphatic metastasis
- Scientific Meeting Support
- The role of soluble fibrin in leukocyte adherence and cytotoxity of melanoma cells
- The role of rho isoprenylation in melanoma invasion
- Selective disruption of melanosome biogenesis: A possible therapeutic adjuvant in melanoma treatment
- Protection of dendritic cells from melanoma-induced apoptosis for tumor vaccination
- The effect of environmental factors on melanoma invasion and metastasis
- Induction of anti-melanoma immune responses with interferon-g-polarized DC (Dentritic Cells)
- Role of cadherins in melanoma transmigration and metastasis
- Scientific Meeting Support for Novel Melanoma Research
- Testing E2F1 as a Candidate Oncogene Involved in Melanoma
- Regulation of Fas Ligand in Melanoma
- Study of the role of MicroRNAs in melanoma brain tropism
- Molecular determinants of apoptosis resistance in melanoma clinical immunotherapy
- Understanding molecular mechanisms for the role of NEDD9 in melanoma progression
- Improving melanoma response to BRAF V600E targeting
- Develop a prognostic scoring system in node-negative melanoma patients
- The regulation of melanoma metastasis
- Balancing melanophore number in Danio rerio zebrafish
- Epac1 as a target for treating melanoma
- Impact of iPS cell-derived highly reactive T lymphocytes on melanoma
- Roles of epigenetic regulator JARID1B in metastatic melanoma
- Evaluating c-Kit in mucosal melanoma
- Understanding of CTLA4 blockade and its combination with BRAF inhibition
- Characterization of the BAP1 uveal melanoma metastasis suppressor gene
- Defining the melanoma anti-glycan antibody recurrence signature
- GNAQ and GNA11 germ-line mutations as potential genetic biomarkers of increased melanoma risk in hereditary melanoma families
- Genetic alterations in benign melanocytic neoplasms and invasive melanomas arising in the female genital tract
- Discovery & therapeutic targeting of a metastatic microRNA in melanoma
- Mechanisms of VISTA-mediated immune suppression in cancer
- Identification of predictive biomarkers in metastatic melanoma
- The role of cell polarity in metastatic melanoma
- MT1-MMP as a target for treating melanoma
- Optimizing combined targeted and immune melanoma therapies
- Targeting TBK1 in mutant NRAS melanoma
- RTK coactiviation in BRAF inhibitor resistant melanomas
- Measurement of macrophage derived interferon gamma levels in melanoma patients post UV radiation exposure
- Treatment outcomes with bevacizumab and triamcinolone for posterior uveal melanoma in patients undergoing I-125 plaque brachytherapy
- Soluble adenylyl cyclase regulates melanoma through autophagy
- Assessing TSPY as a marker for melanoma progression in men
- Society for Melanoma Research Young Investigator Award
- TIGIT-mediated regulation of immune suppression in melanoma
- Understanding and targeting ER stress pathways in melanoma
- Elucidating the role of BMI1 in metastatic melanoma
- Overcoming resistance to MEK inhibition in advanced uveal melanoma
- Modulating immunosuppressive signals in cancer cells using FDA-approved compounds
- The BRAF-regulated IncRNA BANCR regulates melanoma cell migration
- Monitoring melanoma targeted therapy using microfluidic CTC-Chip
- The impact of BRAF oncogenic events on immune gene expression
- MYC as an invisible driver in metastatic uveal melanoma
- Role of HDAC6 in the modulation of immune-related pathways in melanoma
- An integrative genomics approach to identify metabolic drivers of melanoma
- Antidepressants and melanoma: Is there a link?
- Antidepressants and melanoma: Is there a link?
- Defining the role of CD2 in disease progression and overall survival among patients with resectable primary melanoma
- Investigating a Role for the Oculocutaneous Albinism Type 2 (OCA2) Protein and p53 pathway in melanoma chemoresistance
- A potential role for Rec8 in genomic instability during melanomagenesis
- Role of human antimicrobial peptide cathelicidin and mast cells in IL-9 mediated melanoma immunity
- Dissecting therapeutic avenues in UM through genomic and functional studies
- Interdiction of signaling by G-alpha-q to treat ocular melanoma
- Methylated DNA shed in serum from metastatic melanoma as a biomarker following surgery
- Age and sex differences in localized cutaneous melanoma survival and progression: A Mayo Clinic Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study on Melanoma
- Non-viral engineering of T cells with enhanced tumorcidal potential activity for melanoma immunotargeting
- Genetic characterization of congenital melanocytic nevi and malignant melanoma
- The role of BAP1 mutations in establishing a pro-metastatic immune microenvironment in uveal melanoma
- Pilot trial to evaluate the effect of vitamin D on melanocyte biomarkers
- Comprehensive genomic characterization of mucosal melanoma
- Epigenomic and microRNAomic mechanisms of UV-induced melanomagenesis
- Targeting SOX10 as a therapeutic strategy in BRAF wild-type melanoma
- The role of epigenomic alterations in melanoma formation and metastasis
- Fast cycling Gaq Ga11
- A novel Stat3 targeted acral melanoma therapy via induction of senescence
- Targeting PSGL-1 as a novel immunotherapeutic approach to treat melanoma
- Monitoring response to therapy with blood BRAF levels
- Identifying rational therapeutic approaches to 'wild type' melanoma
- Improving diagnostic precision of melanoma using genetic information
- Society for Melanoma Research Young Investigator Award
- Mechanisms controlling melanoma dormancy and metastatic progression
- MEK1/2-CDK4/6 targeting and acquired resistance mechanisms in NRAS melanoma
- Effect of the aged microenvironment on tumor dormancy
- Identifying and targeting melanoma cells that metastasize to the brain
- Unraveling RAF inhibitor action to improve therapy in BRAF-mutant melanoma
- Leveraging BET inhibition to overcome therapy resistance in melanoma
- Gender differences in the molecular profile of metastatic melanoma
- Investigation of surgical approach, lymph node drainage patterns, and sentinel node positivity on recurrence and survival in patients with melanoma of the external ear
- Defining novel mechanisms of genome stability in melanoma
- Assessing metabolic and genetic regulators of metastatic dormancy/quiescence in disseminated melanoma cells using the Pulmonary Metastasis Assay (PuMA)
- Epigenetic silencing of PTENP1 pseudogene in melanoma: Association with PTEN expression in clinical outcomes
- Creation and maintenance of university associated debit cards supporting indoor tanning
- Society for Melanoma Research Young Investigator Award
- Society for Melanoma Research Young Investigator Award
- Christopher J. Marshall Award For Studies on Signal Transduction and Melanoma
- Metabolic reprogramming and its association with invasion in melanoma
- Introduction and reactivation of tissue-resident memory t-cells for immune-mediated treatment of melanoma
- HLA antigen mismatch and melanoma outcomes in organ transplant recipients
- Identifying long non-coding RNAs that function as microRNA sponges during melanoma initiation
- Investigation of BET proteins as prognostic and therapeutic tools for melanoma
- Use of selective HDACi to improve antibody blockade immunotherapy
- Regulation of the response to targeted inhibitors in uveal melanoma
- The role of the Anaphase-Promoting Complex in human melanoma
- Epigenetic effectors of tumor response to immune checkpoint inhibitors
- Mechanism of metastasis in a less common molecular subset of uveal melanoma
- Youth participatory video intervention to reduce risk for skin cancer
- A Study to Estimate the Anti-Tumor Activity and Identify Potential Predictors of Response in Patients with Advanced Mucosal or Acral Lentiginous Melanoma Receiving Standard Nivolumab in Combination with Ipilimumab followed by Nivolumab Monotherapy
- Identification of genetic, clinical and environmental risk factors in patients with multiple primary melanomas
- Dissecting the Ecology of Melanoma Metastasis: Size and Number Trade-Offs in Circulating Tumor Cell Clusters
- Molecular and clinical profile of melanoma in pediatric patients
- Vitamin C as a Novel Therapeutic for Melanoma
- Examining BMP signaling as a regulator of neural crest identity during melanoma initiation and progression
- Targeting the Host Immune System to Improve Viral Oncolytic Therapy
- Tumor-infiltrating myeloid cells as biomarkers for response to PD-(L)1 checkpoint blockade
- Determinants of Response and Mechanisms of Resistance to Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocyte Therapy for Metastatic Melanoma
- Effects of Obesity on the Skin Stress Response and Treatment Outcomes in Melanoma
- The Role of man1a1 in Immune Evasion During Progression of Melanoma
- Targeting EZH2 in the Treatment of Non-Sun-Exposed Melanoma
- Society for Melanoma Research Young Investigator Award
- Targeting KDM5 Histone Demethylases to Boost Immune Response in Melanoma
- RAC1 Mutant Melanoma: Models and Therapeutics
- Geographic Analysis of Indoor Tanning Salon Clustering Around High Risk Communities
- Evaluating the Role of the COX2/PGE2 Pathway in Anti-Melanoma Immunity
- Determining Mechanisms of Enhanced Anti-Tumor Efficacy of Briefly Expanded Th17 Cells for Melanoma
- Understanding Skin Rash Secondary to Checkpoint Inhibitor Immunotherapy
- Characterizing Trends in Utilization of Mohs Micrographic Surgery for Melanoma in the United States
- Enhancing Immune Checkpoint Therapy by Targeting Protein Deglycosylation in Melanoma
- Adipocyte-derived Lipids as Drivers of Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) Stress and Invasion in Melanoma
- A Novel Chemoimmunotherapy for Cutanenous Melanoma Using Dissolvable Microneedle Arrays
- Elucidating the Role of AMPK Signaling in Melanoma Metastasis
- Understanding Mechanisms of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Induced Colitis in Melanoma
- Identification of Src Family Kinases that Drive Resistance to Mutant BRAF Inhibition
- SMR Christopher J. Marshall Award
- SMR Young Investigator Award
- Targeting Melanoma Developmental Programs to Overcome Therapy Resistance
- BAP1 Dependent Kinome in Uveal Melanoma
- Improving Melanoma Screening Education for Primary Care Providers Serving Patients of Skin of Color
- The Mitochondrial Unfolded Protein Response Predicts the Immune Landscape During Melanoma
- Human Endogenous Retrovirus Expression Profiles in Acral Melanoma
- Leveraging Focused Ultrasound to Sensitize Refractory Melanoma to Immunotherapy
- Examining the role of TGFβ activating Integrins B6 and B8 in melanoma
- The Neuroendocrine Role of Lipocalin 2 in Melanoma Cachexia
- Applying Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning to Melanoma Prevention Education in High School Adolescents
- Image-Based Deep Learning to Predict Melanoma Recurrence
- Mechanisms of perivascular dispersal by brain-resident melanoma cells
- Therapeutic intervention of melanoma
- Immunization Effect in Patients with Multiple Primary Melanomas
- SMR Young Investigator Award
- San Francisco Gala Fund-A-Grant Research Award
- Philadelphia Gala Fund-A-Grant Research Award
- Utilization of Nail Technicians for Early Detection of Acral Lentiginous Melanoma
- Rational approaches to achieving tumor-specific T cell infiltration and immunotherapy efficacy in non-T cell-inflamed melanoma
- Role of SOX10 in Metastatic Melanoma Drug Resistance
- The effects of methotrexate treatment on melanoma progression
- High-Resolution In Vivo Image-guided Molecular Profiling of Melanomas
- The Effects of Intertumoral Genetic Heterogeneity on Systemic CD8+ T Cell Response and PD-1 Inhibitor Sensitivity
- Impact of Human Melanoma Glycome on Immune Evasion
- Evolution of the Neoantigen Landscape through Melanoma Progression
- Clinical and genetic predictors of skin toxicity in mucosal melanoma treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors
- Formulation and Preclinical Testing of an HLA-Engineered Neoantigen Vaccine for Melanoma
- Therapeutic Combinations against Melanoma Brain Metastases
- Prognosticators of Treatment Response to Immunotherapy in Veteran Mucosal Melanoma Patients: A Real-World Outcomes Study
- Exploring the Association of County-Level Social Vulnerability and Racial/Ethnic Minority Status with Stage-Specific Incidence of Melanoma and Cancer-Specific Mortality for Melanoma Patients
- The Causal Role of Skin Pigmentation in Melanoma: A Machine-Learning Based Gene Prioritization Study
- Mechanisms Underlying Effectiveness of PI3Kd-Inhibited T Cells for Adoptive Cell Transfer Therapy
- Harnessing Resveratrol Mediated Upregulation of MHC-I to Potentiate Melanoma Immunotherapy
- Incidences and Clinical Characteristics of Subsequent Primary Cutaneous Malignancy Following First Primary Cancer Diagnosis
- Investigating Automated Melanoma Screening for Newly Acquired Lesions
- Nanoparticle Delivered Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy for Treatment of Cutaneous and Metastatic Melanoma
- Molecular Cell State Analysis of Hybrid Cells across the Uveal Melanoma Metastatic Cascade
- Identifying Cell-Intrinsic Mechanisms of Melanoma Suppression by APOE Variants
- Racial, Sex, and Socioeconomic Inequities in Melanoma Surgical Interventions & Outcomes: A Multivariate Analysis
- Exhausted CD8 T cells as an early indicator of lymph node metastasis and the need for adjuvant therapy in Stage II melanoma
- Melanoma Immunotherapy with GPR182 blockade
- Pilot Trial of Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes for Melanoma Brain Metastasis
- Identification of angiopoietin-2/Tie signaling molecules as a predictive biomarkers for ICI resistance in melanoma
- Interobserver Variability in Histopathologic Diagnosis of Melanocytic Neoplasms
- The Role of Alpha-Synuclein in Melanomagenesis via Nucleolar DNA Double-Strand Break Repair
- Assessing the effect of a community outreach initiative on melanoma early detection and awareness
- Understanding the Role of Lipid Antigens in the Melanoma Tumor Microenvironment
- cGAS Agonist DNA Dendrons for the Treatment of Leptomeningeal Melanoma Metastasis
- Using Circulating Tumor DNA and Exosomes to Predict Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Metastatic Uveal Melanoma Receiving Systemic Immunotherapy or Liver-Directed Immunoembolization
- Designing and Validating a Melanoma Prediction Model with Automated Image Classification
- Evaluating the Impact of Teledermatology on Access, Detection, and Clinical Prognosticators of Melanoma
- Mitophagy and the anti-melanoma activity of T-cells in Alzheimer's disease
- Real-world efficacy and clinical predictors of immunotherapy response among Veteran uveal melanoma patients
- Investigating Immune Interactions of Intraepithelial ILC1-like Natural Killer Cells in Melanoma
- The Genetic Aberrations Underlying Melanocytic Tumors and Juvenile Xanthogranulomas in Individuals with Neurofibromatosis Type 1
- Understanding the Role of Peroxisomes in Regulating Metabolic Fitness of T Cells
- Risk Factor Analysis of Young Patients with Uveal Melanoma Treated with Proton Beam Therapy
- Investigating the Systemic Microbiome in Mucosal Melanoma
- Mechanisms of Macrophage Evasion in Residual Melanoma
- Defining the dynamics of ICOS+ CD4 T cell responses that underlie successful immunotherapy responses in patients with melanoma
- Targeting the eIF4F, Translation Initiation Complex, in Melanoma
- Tumor Draining Lymph Nodes to Predict Response to Immunotherapy in Melanoma
- Outcomes and immune profile of type II diabetic patients on nivolumab/relat
- Pre- and Post-Diagnosis Care Trends in New Malignant Melanoma Cases
- Effects of oxidative phosphorylation inhibition on melanoma
- Telomere Length-Promoting Mutational Landscape in Pediatric Melanoma
- Risk Analysis of US Disparities in Conjunctival Melanoma by Medicaid status
- Role of Erythropoietin Receptor and RasGRP3 in Metastatic Melanoma
- A bilingual patient education community program for melanoma prevention
- Addressing Disparities in Melanoma Outcomes
- BRAF Induced MT-UPR Informs The Melanoma Immune Landscape and Survival
- A Barbershop Intervention to Improve Melanoma Detection in Rural US
- Frozen Section of Melanoma: Accuracy at an Experienced Institution
- The Relationship Between Skin Tone and Molecular Alterations in Melanoma
- Design of sun protection/melanoma prevention materials in LatinX caregivers
- CD40L-augmented tumor infiltrating lymphocyte expansion from core biopsies
- Pharmacodynamic effect of Radvax on microbiome-specific T cells
- Surveillance and Survivorship in Sentinel Lymph Node Positive Melanoma
- Metabolic Dependencies of Melanoma Brain Metastasis
- Effects of Adjuvant Anti-PD1 on Atypical/Dysplastic Nevi
- Predictors of Nodal Metastases in Pediatric Melanomas
- Targeting EGFR in NF1 mutant melanoma
- SMR Young Investigator Award
- Contributions of photoreceptor proteins in pigmentation and protection from UV-induced carcinogenesis
- The association of cutaneous changes in the skin site of melanoma vaccination with improved circulating immune response
- Characterization of recurrent melanoma using a 50 gene expression panel
- The role of MAP3K1 in melanoma progression and therapeutic resistance
- Combination therapy of intralesional IL2, hypofractionated radiotherapy, and PD-1/PD-L1 checkpoint blockade in metastatic melanoma
- Impact of a germline variant on response to targeted therapy in BRAF wild-type melanoma
- MC1R-selective small melanocortin analogs for melanoma prevention
- GPER Signaling in Melanoma
- Targeting Elongation Factor-2 Kinase to Reinforce Melanoma Immunotherapy
- Exploring neuritin-mediated immune suppression to improve melanoma therapy
- Targeting genomic mechanisms of resistance to immunotherapy
- The genetic evolution of uveal melanoma
- Comprehensive Profiling of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Colitis
- Inhibiting BRD9 in Melanoma
- Targeting HDAC8 to Overcome the Acquisition of Drug Tolerance in Melanoma
- In Vivo Model of Human Melanoma Using a Novel Neural Crest Chimera System
- Using the ESC-GEMM Approach to Study Mucosal Melanoma In Vivo
- Network Rewiring in Melanoma Due to Transcription Factor Isoform Switching
- A Novel Peripheral Blood Biomarker for Early Diagnosis of Uveal Melanoma
- Innovative Approaches for GNAQ/11 Mutant Characterization and Therapeutic Targeting
- Society for Melanoma Research Christopher J. Marshall Award
- Society for Melanoma Research Young Investigator Award
- Therapeutic Strategies to Induce Dormancy in Disseminated Melanoma Cells
- Role of PRAME in Epigenetic Reprogramming and Chromosomal Instability
- Augmenting Melanoma Response to Immunotherapy via Commensal Microbiota
- SOX10 Role in WT BRAF Melanoma
- Modulating p53 Transcriptional Activity to Reduce Melanoma Brain Metastasis
- Pharmacological Targeting of Estrogen Receptor to Enhance Melanoma Immunity
- Cellular and Genomic Landscape of Uveal Melanoma at Single Cell Resolution
- The Development and Characterization of Cellular Models of Uveal Melanoma
- Characterizing the Role of the Hippo Pathway During Melanoma Immunotherapy
- Investigating the Role of a Novel Dendritic Cell Population as a Central Regulator of a Favorable Immune Environment in Melanoma
- The Impact of COVID-19 on Melanoma Patients
- CXCL9 as an Immune Anti-Melanoma Therapy in Combination with BRAF Inhibition
- Identification of Metastatic Modulators through Zebrafish Modeling
- Elucidating Metabolic Changes that Occur in Melanoma Brain Metastases
- Defining the Mechanisms of Resistance to Anti-CTLA4 Antibodies in the TME
- Converting Regulatory into Proinflammatory Anti-Tumor Effector T Cells
- Novel Target for Melanoma Therapeutic Development
- Integrative Analysis of Prognostic Factors to Neoadjuvant Nivolumab/CMP-001 in Stage III B/C/D Melanoma
- Harnessing the antioxidant properties of thioredoxin to enhance tumor-specific T cell memory response in adoptive cell therapy
- Control of Anti-Tumor Response by the Modulation of Neurotransmitter-Expressing Immune Cells
- Targeted intervention of melanoma by reprogramming the stromal translatome
- Therapeutic Resistance to CDK4/6 inhibitors in BRAF-mutant Melanoma
- Analysis and Expansion of the Pediatric Melanoma Outcomes Database Study
- Immunotherapy using personalized T cell receptor engineered T cells
- Targeting metabolic vulnerabilities of melanoma metastasis in lymph
- Harnessing Epigenetic therapies to License Melanoma Vaccine
- Melanoma Risks and Risk Prediction in Patients with Actinic Keratosis
- Exploiting Metabolic Vulnerabilities of Macrophages for Melanoma Treatment
- Targeting Melanoma-Intrinsic STING signaling to Restore Antitumor Immunity
- Regulation of Immunotherapy Resistance in CDKN2A-low Melanoma
- Role of Core Fucosylation in the Resistance to Immunotherapy of Melanoma
- Biomarkers to Predict Melanoma Patient Immunotherapy Outcomes
- Role of the Gli2 Pathway in Melanoma Immunotherapy Resistance
- Noncanonical Autophagy Inhibition as a New Approach to Melanoma Therapy
- Chromatin Remodeling Alterations and Consequences for Melanoma Metastasis
- How melanoma patients undergoing treatment at oncology practices are affected by having a positive COVID-19 test
- NKT infiltration and rejection in melanomas
- TGFßi NK Cell Infusions in Patients with Melanoma Brain Metastases
- Targeting an adaptor function of CDK6 to enhance melanoma immunotherapy
- Immunogenic landscape and therapeutic targeting of NRAS public Neoantigens
- Targeting melanoma with engineered CD4+ T cells
- Deciphering the role of APRIL/TNFSF13 in melanoma-associated TLS formation
- Understand metastasis of uveal melanoma in vivo via novel mouse models
- Evaluation of cutaneous immune related adverse events by morphotype
- Identification of molecular pathways that drive uveal melanoma metastasis
- A gene regulatory network driving melanoma immune evasion
- Effect of Microglia Type I IFN Response in Melanoma Brain Metastasis
- UV-Induced Epigenetic Changes in the Epidermis in Promoting Melanoma
- Assessment of Uveal Melanoma Using Machine Learning
- ADAR1 Inhibitor: Novel Therapeutic for Melanoma & Immunotherapy Resistance
- Targeting PCBP2 to augment melanoma cell killing by CD4+ T cells
- Engaging the endogenous immune system with CAR T cells
- Complex Genomic Rearrangements Driving Sub-Clonal Melanoma Evolution
- Neoadjuvant immunotherapy and radiotherapy for mucosal melanoma
- Lena Ibrahim
- Patty Pophal
- Michelle Henry
- Rebecca Hartman
- Mayra Perez
- Dave Wiemer
- Kim Wezik, MPH
- Victoria Tinsley
- Virginia Snider
- Sara Selig, MD, MPH
- Liz Reilly
- Will Koelln
- Nicole Papathanassiou
- Nicole Nishanian
- James Merrick, MPA
- Miriam Pomerantz Kadosh, MSW, LCSW
- Jonelle Daley
- Sara Conklin
- Debbie Churgai, MA
- Sara Campbell
- Robyn Burns
- Whitney Baylor, MSN, RN, AONN-CG
- In Memoriam: C. Randy Lomax
- Jill Wrobel
- Tom Westdyk
- Ashani Weeraratna
- Giulia Newton
- Laura Ferris
- Kristina Gargiulo
- Elise A. Barish
- Michael B. Atkins
- Stan Adler
- Doug Brodman
- Jess Allison
- Kyleigh LiPira, MBA
Treatment Centers
- University of Washington Medicine
- Oschsner Medical Center
- Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
- UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center
- St Luke’s
- Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Rush University
- University of Chicago Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Indiana University Melvin and Bren Simon Cancer Center
- Sabates Eye Center
- University of Kansas Cancer Center
- James Graham Brown Cancer Center
- University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Center
- Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
- New England Eye Center
- Northside Melanoma & Sarcoma Specialists of Georgia
- University of Maryland Greenebaum Cancer Center
- Maine Center for Cancer Medicine
- Associated Retinal Consultants
- Retina Specialists of Michigan
- University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Henry Ford Hospital
- Mayo Clinic Cancer Center
- Ellis Fischel Cancer Center/University of Missouri
- Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University
- University of Hawaii Cancer Center
- Johns Hopkins Medicine/The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Karmanos Cancer Institute – Wayne State university
- University of Minnesota
- University of New Mexico Cancer Center
- St. Louis Children's Hospital
- University of Mississippi Medical Center
- MedStar Franklin Square Medical Center - Maryland Melanoma Center
- Massachusetts General Hospital
- Massachusetts Eye and Ear
- City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center
- USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center
- John Wayne Cancer Institute
- Stanford Cancer Institute
- UCLA Jules Stein Eye Institute
- UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Mayo Clinic
- Cancer Center of South Florida
- UF Health Cancer Center
- Mount Sinai Comprehensive Cancer Center
- UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital
- West Coast Retina
- Northern California Medical Center
- Winthrop Paul Rockefeller Cancer Institute
- Phoenix Children's Hospital
- Retina Associates
- University of Arizona Cancer Center
- Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center
- UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center
- California Pacific Medical Group
- Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center at UC Irvine Health
- Retina Associates of Florida
- Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center at Thomas Jefferson University
- Hollings Cancer Center
- Carolinas HealthCare System
- Sanford Dermatology Clinic
- Vanderbilt University Medical Center
- St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
- The UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
- University of Tennessee Cancer Institute
- Alaska Oncology and Hematology
- The Angeles Clinic and Research Institute
- University of California - San Diego Moores Cancer Center
- University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
- Yale Cancer Center
- University of Connecticut Health Center
- Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center
- University of Miami Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center
- H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center
- Providence Regional Cancer Partnership
- UW Carbone Cancer Center
- West Virginia University Cancer Institute
- Edwards Comprehensive Cancer Center
- UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Huntsman Cancer Institute
- Fox Chase Cancer Center
- Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
- NYU Perlmutter Cancer Center
- Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center
- University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute (UPMC)
- Inova Melanoma and Skin Cancer Center
- The University of Vermont Medical Center
- Seattle Cancer Care Alliance/Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
- Swedish Cancer Institute
- Central Wyoming Skin Clinic
- UT Southwestern Medical Center - Simmons Cancer Center
- Baylor Regional Medical Center at Plano
- Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
- Abramson Cancer Center University of Pennsylvania
- The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Oregon Health & Science University
- The Christ Hospital Health Network
- University of Cincinnati Cancer Institute
- Cleveland Clinic
- University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center
- Integris Cancer Institute Oklahoma
- Penn State Hershey Cancer Institute
- Saint Luke's University Health Network
- University of Rochester Cancer Center
- Montefiore Einstein Center for Cancer Care
- The Comprehensive Cancer Center of Wake Forest University
- Sanford Dermatology & Laser Clinic
- UNMC Eppley Cancer Center
- Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
- Atlantic Melanoma Center
- Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey
- Comprehensive Cancer Centers of Nevada
- The New York Eye Cancer Center
- Columbia University Medical Center
- Sarah Cannon Research Institute
- Columbia University - Irving Medical Center
- The Tisch Cancer Institute at Mount Sinai
- Oklahoma Proton Center
- Hamilton Eye Institute
- Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center
- Colorado Retina Associates
- Honorhealth Research Institute
- Hartford HealthCare Cancer Institute
- Cincinnati Eye Institute
- Dean McGee Eye Institute
- Retina Consultants of Alabama
- Tennessee Retina
- University of Alabama at Birmingham O'Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Lynn Cancer Institute - Boca Raton Regional Hospital
- Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Siteman Cancer Center at Washington University
- Wills Eye Hospital
Event Categories
- Advocacy
- CommUNITY Fundraisers
- Galas & Signature Events
- Miles for Melanoma
- Patient Education & Symposiums
- Scientific Meetings
- Virtual
- Alabama
- Arizona
- Atlanta, GA
- Austin, TX
- Baltimore, MD
- Boston, MA
- California
- Chapel Hill, NC
- Chesapeake Bay, VA
- Chicago, IL
- Cleveland, OH
- Colorado
- Columbus, OH
- Delaware
- Denver, CO
- Detroit, MI
- Florida
- Fort Myers, FL
- Georgia
- Hancock, NY
- Hershey, PA
- Illinois
- Jacksonville, FL
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Las Vegas, NV
- Long Island, NY
- Los Angeles, CA
- Madison, WI
- Memphis, TN
- Miami, FL
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Missouri
- Morristown, NJ
- Nashville, TN
- New England, MA
- New Jersey
- New York City, NY
- North Carolina
- Ocean City, NJ
- Ohio
- Oregon
- Orlando, FL
- Philadelphia, PA
- Phoenix, AZ
- Pittsburgh, PA
- Portland, OR
- Raleigh, NC
- Salt Lake City, UT
- San Antonio, TX
- San Diego, CA
- San Francisco, CA
- Savannah, GA
- Seattle, WA
- St. Louis, MO
- Tampa, FL
- Texas
- Twin Cities, MN
- Virginia
- Washington, DC
- Wisconsin
Grant Years
- 1998
- 1999
- 2000
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- 2003
- 2004
- 2005
- 2006
- 2007
- 2008
- 2009
- 2010
- 2011
- 2012
- 2013
- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
- 2021
- 2022
- 2023
- 2024