Research Creates Hope and Hope Changes Everything

This month, we were pleased to announce the funding of two pilot research grants that were funded through the MRF’s Breakthrough Consortium (MRFBC). The MRFBC is a national network of 23 centers of excellence in melanoma that collaborate to accelerate the research and development of the most promising therapies in melanoma treatment in order to deliver curative options to patients. The Consortium institutions have a demonstrated track record of receiving NIH/peer-reviewed funding for multidisciplinary research in melanoma, publications in major medical journals, presentations at the major cancer and melanoma meetings, clinical trial expertise and patient care. Research grant opportunities are available to the participating sites and this year, two pilot proposals by the following translational scientists were selected for funding. These awards were made possible by the generous donation of the Brodman Charitable Fund and Friends:
Principal Investigator: Lilit Karapetyan, MD, MS
Institution: H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute
Proposal Title: CD40L-augmented tumor infiltrating lymphocyte expansion from core biopsies
Principal Investigator: Alexander Huang, MD
Co-Principal Investigator: Tara Mitchell, MD
Institution: University of Pennsylvania
Proposal Title: Pharmacodynamic effect of Radvax on microbiome-specific T cells
Dr. Karapetyan’s project is timely as the first cancer tumor infiltrating lymphocyte (TIL) therapy (AMTAGVI™) was recently approved by the FDA for the treatment of adult patients with cutaneous (skin) melanoma that is unable to be removed with surgery (unresectable) or has spread to other parts of the body (metastatic) that previously has been treated with other therapies. Earlier this month, Allison Betof Warner, MD, PhD from Stanford University School of Medicine led a webinar entitled “TIL Cell Therapy – A Review of the Newest FDA Approved Drug for Advanced Melanoma”. During the webinar, patients and caregivers learned about the efficacy, durability and process of this new FDA-approved treatment. The webinar also featured patient advocate Jamie Tomasko, who shared his experience with TIL therapy. Click here to view. In addition, several additional MRF resources, including an infographic as well as an animated melanoma patient video, are available to learn more about this exciting therapeutic option.
All of the MRF’s educational programming is funded by the melanoma community it serves. You can make a tax-deductible donation to support melanoma research advancements here.