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CommUNITY Fundraising

CommUNITY Fundraising

Help transform melanoma from one of the deadliest cancers into one of the most treatable with CommUNITY Fundraising!

Do you like playing volleyball or golf? How about cookouts or a wine tasting? Maybe you’re looking to join an existing marathon, triathlon or cycling event.

No matter what your interest, we can help you turn it into a fun way to raise awareness and critical funds for melanoma research, education and advocacy.

CommUNITY Fundraising

Need some help?

The MRF’s online fundraising toolkit has everything you need to get started. Gain access to fundraising ideas, tips, templates and more!

CommUNITY Fundraising – Getting Started

Getting Started

CommUNITY Fundraiser Event Timelines

Event Timelines

CommUNITY Fundraising Waiver

Fundraising Waiver

Frequently Asked Questions


Ways to Fundraise

Ways to Fundraise

Create an Online Fundraiser

The MRF is committed to providing the most up-to-date education and support resources for melanoma patients and their loved ones.


For more information on MRF’s CommUNITY Fundraising, contact our team at [email protected]. We are here to help and would love to hear from you!

Plan an Event or Fundraiser

Raise for CURE OM