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March 6, 2014

Your Action Needed: Help Secure Millions of Dollars for Melanoma Research

With your help, we can increase federal funding for melanoma research.

Your help right now can make a difference in securing millions of dollars for melanoma research.
For the past five years, the MRF and others have worked to secure melanoma research funding through the Department of Defense. Since then no less than $2 million a year has been spent to support this important effort. In the most recent bill, the pool of money available for research into melanoma and a few other cancers grew from $15 million to $25 million. This is a major win by and for the melanoma community.
Now we have the opportunity to see this pool of funds grow even more. Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), a vocal advocate for federal melanoma research funding, is requesting the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations Defense Subcommittee dedicate $40 million for the Peer-Reviewed Cancer Research Program (PRCRP) in the Fiscal Year 2015 Defense Appropriations bill. In 2009, the Department of Defense (DOD) began funding melanoma as well as research in other cancers that impact members of the military and their families through the PRCRP.
When the program was first established, $4 million of a total of $15 million was targeted for melanoma research. Increasing the PRCRP's federal funding to $40 million will help the research community make greater and faster strides toward defeating melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer.
A draft of Congresswoman Maloney's letter can be found here
Please take action before the March 28th deadline! Join the MRF in supporting this important request for additional funding by contacting your representative and asking him/her to sign Congresswoman Maloney's letter. You can search for your representative here
If you'd like a template letter to use in your outreach to your representative, or if you have any questions, please email Mary Antonucci, National Director of Volunteer Services, at [email protected].



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