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The MRF is proud to raise awareness and educate the public with the following campaigns:

The MRF works to raise awareness about the dangers of tanning, importance of early detection and more through public awareness campaigns.


GetNaked is the MRF’s newest public awareness campaign aimed at detecting melanoma early – when it is the most treatable. GetNaked in front of the mirror and take a closer look at your skin. Learn how to perform a skin self-exam – and if you see something funny or different, make an appointment with a dermatologist. Not sure where to start? Click here for tips!

#EyeGetDilated – Do You?

Through the MRF’s CURE OM initiative and the #EyeGetDilated campaign, we encourage you to schedule a dilated eye exam, especially if you are 40 or over.

Don’t Fry Day

The MRF is a Core Member of The National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention (NCSCP). Every year, the NCSCP designates the Friday before Memorial Day as “Don’t Fry Day” to raise awareness of skin cancer prevention and to encourage everyone to protect their skin as they head outdoors to kick off the summer season. Click here to learn more about Don’t Fry Day.

Take a Stand, Don’t Tan

You might think of a tan as a “healthy glow,” but did you know there is no such thing as a “safe” or “healthy” tan? That fake bake from indoor tanning can give you pre-mature wrinkles and skin cancer – including melanoma, the deadliest type of skin cancer.

Our Take a Stand, Don’t Tan poster would look great in your classroom, school or doctor’s office! Request free copies by placing your order for our educational materials here. Students in your school may also be interested in Taking the Pledge to avoid tanning in the sun and in tanning beds. In addition:

Our advocates are also working tirelessly to change public perception of tanning and sun safety, and to urge city, state and federal decision makers to regulate indoor tanning devices.

Check Me Out!

Research shows that patients, not doctors, are most likely to spot melanoma. The Melanoma Research Foundation encourages you to thoroughly check your skin each month for moles that are new, changing or different than other spots on your body. Our educational piece, “Who is the Most Likely to Spot Your Melanoma?“, is a great tool for promoting monthly self-skin exams. If you are interested in helping us spread the word, you can request our free educational materials here.

We developed a fun video to help remind you to check out your skin. Check out the ones you love and save a life – it might even be your own!

Learn more about melanoma preventiondetection and screening!