Bringing Awareness of Sun Safety and Sun Care to the Black Community

Guest blog post by Katonya Breaux, Founder, Unsun Cosmetics and MRF advocate:
I discovered moles on my face that I thought were genetic, but after a visit to the dermatologist, I found they resulted from sun damage. The typical chemical sunscreens I found in stores were irritating, and mineral-based sunscreens were traditionally thick, white and pasty. In addition, I had no success with finding tinted mineral sunscreens with shade options matching my darker skin tone. To combat this, I created a sunscreen that tailors to people with darker complexions, allowing me to start a conversation with my customers about the importance of sun protection for melanated skin.
Being a member of the Black community means being a part of something greater than just myself. I must do my best as a Black businesswoman to educate my community on the severity of sun damage and remind everyone that the sun does not discriminate. The harsh effects of not wearing sunscreen daily can not only damage your skin but also lead to many other serious health risks.
It was so important to me to create a sun care line that protects the people of my community. So often, when I would start a conversation with my friends, family or peers, they would tell me that our darker skin shields us from the sun naturally. I knew that I had an opportunity to assist and educate the people I hold dear on why we too, need to protect our beautiful skin from sun damage.
No one is immune to the harsh UV rays; it doesn’t matter your complexion, location, age or gender. Unfortunately, we all can suffer from skin issues without the proper preventative sun care. I am proud to work with the Melanoma Research Foundation (MRF) to bring awareness to the importance of taking sun prevention seriously within my community. We have the opportunity to keep our skin healthy and radiant throughout our lives, and I am so thankful to be one of the forerunners in sun care for melanated skin.
Melanoma does not discriminate by age, race or gender – everyone is at risk. The MRF is committed to increasing awareness of sun safety and melanoma prevention, and your support makes these efforts possible. In honor of dedicated advocates like Katonya, please consider a tax-deductible donation today.
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