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Education Institute

Animated Patient Videos

You and Melanoma

An Animated Patient’s Guide to Melanoma

We are excited to provide the MRF’s new online patient education resource, You and Melanoma: An Animated Patient’s Guide to Melanoma.

This animation provides an overview of Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocyte (TILCell Therapy for melanoma. TIL Cell Therapy is a new type of immunotherapy that utilizes TILs to attack cancer cells. TIL Cell Therapy is investigational and only available in clinical trials. Watch to learn how TIL Cell Therapy is prepared in the lab, how the infusion works, its effectiveness, possible side effects, and its current use in melanoma clinical trials. You may want to ask your doctor if a clinical trial with TIL Cell Therapy could be an option for you.

This animation provides an overview of genetic changes or cellular mutations in moles of the skin which can help determine the best melanoma treatments for each patient. A genetic mutation in these cells due to excess sunlight, or family inherited genes results in increased risk for the development of melanoma.

This animation describes the causes of melanoma and the signs to watch for (called the ABCDEs of melanoma). It also provides an overview of how melanoma is staged, what you should do if you notice any signs, and the steps you can take to protect your skin and prevent melanoma.

This animation describes the tests and procedures doctors use to diagnose melanoma. It explains skin examination, skin biopsy methods, lymph node biopsy methods and imaging tests. This animation also provides an overview of how melanoma is staged (how far the cancer has spread). Knowing the stage helps doctors decide how to best treat your melanoma and predict your prognosis, or outlook.

This animation explains the current treatment options for melanoma. You can find out about surgery, immunotherapy, targeted therapy, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, vaccines and clinical trials. This animation also describes possible side effects.

The You and Melanoma resource provides expert advice about melanoma to help you discuss key issues with your healthcare provider. Learn the facts about causes, warning signs, early detection, prevention, diagnosis and treatment through easy-to-understand animation and slide resources. You are invited to provide feedback to help direct future content as this site becomes part of your personal information resource on melanoma. We welcome you to this online community resource to improve your quality of life and health outcomes.

We have Expert Videos from leading researchers and physicians walking through each module and going into the specifics about understanding melanoma, melanoma diagnosis, treatments and genetic testing. Check them all out here.

Thank you to our You and Melanoma Expert Faculty:

Rekha Chaudhary, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
University of Cincinnati

Laura Ferris, MD, PhD
Professor & Director of Dermatology Clinical Trials
Department of Dermatology
University of Pittsburgh

Jeffrey S. Weber, MD, PhD
Deputy Director
Laura and Isaac Perlmutter Cancer Center
Professor of Medicine
NYU Langone Medical Center

This activity is supported by independent educational grants from: