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Melanoma News |
December 21, 2015

The FDA Announces New Proposed Indoor Tanning Restrictions

The Melanoma Research Foundation (MRF) applauds the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for its commitment to protecting public health by proposing to prevent the use of indoor sunlamp products by minors and to reduce the risk of using these devices for adults.

On December 18, 2015, the FDA issued two proposed rules. The first proposed rule would restrict use of sunlamp products to individuals 18 and older. In addition, before their first tanning session and every six months thereafter, adult users over age 18 would have to sign a risk acknowledgement certification that states that they have been informed of the risks to health that may result from use of sunlamp products.

The second proposed rule would require that sunlamp manufacturers and tanning facilities take additional measures to improve the overall safety of these devices. These measures include requiring an emergency shut off switch (a “panic button”), improving eyewear safety and increasing the visibility of warning labels on the devices.

The MRF encourages the FDA to take this giant step towards eliminating UV-related skin cancers such as melanoma, by finalizing these proposed restrictions. They are posted online for 90 days for public comment and the deadline is March 21st. Please join the MRF in urging the FDA to pass these proposed rulings by submitting comments in favor of these potentially life-saving restrictions! To submit a comment, click here and scroll down to the "How to Comment on the Proposed Rules" section. The two proposed rules are listed separately so don't forget to comment on them both!

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