Rebecca Hartman

Dr. Hartman is dedicated to patient care, clinical innovation, research and education with a focus on skin cancer, including melanoma and keratinocyte carcinomas (KCs, basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas). She presently spends time in outpatient clinical activities as well as clinical research, education and administration. Dr. Hartman currently has clinical sessions at Dana Farber Cancer Institute (“DFCI”) and the VA Boston Healthcare System (“VABHS”). At DFCI, she specializes in melanoma and care for melanoma patients referred regionally, nationally and internationally. At VABHS, she sees a high-risk skin cancer population. She also serves as the Director of Melanoma Epidemiology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. In this role, Dr. Hartman conducts research and serves as a resource for trainees and colleagues with melanoma research questions. She is also involved in leadership at VABHS, serving as Chief of the Dermatology Section. This role also has an educational component and she ensures residents at all three Boston dermatology residency programs have a strong clinical and educational experience at VA Boston.