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Press Release
Press Release |
November 30, 2015

Sheila – #GivingTuesday 2015

#GivingTuesday is TOMORROW! Join Sheila in Supporting the MRF.
#GivingTuesday is in less than 24 hours! Your tax-deductible gift received on #GivingTuesday will help bring exciting research and treatment advances to those battling melanoma, as well as expand efforts to prevent future diagnoses.
Read why Sheila will support the Melanoma Research Foundation (MRF) on #GivingTuesday:
"I have been fighting a rare and often fatal cancer, ocular melanoma (OM), for over seven years. And, like so many others with this disease, I had never heard of this before. But, once I discovered the Melanoma Research Foundation’s (MRF) initiative, CURE OM, I knew there were people out there dedicated to raising awareness and finding a cure. So began my fundraising efforts. I have walked in every Miles for Melanoma DC walk and raised thousands of dollars over the years. Two years ago, my brother organized and sponsored a concert and art show, also benefiting CURE OM. And, I ask my friends and relatives for support every time there is an opportunity to donate.  
I do this because so little money goes toward this rare cancer. I chose CURE OM because of the phenomenal job it is doing to educate the community and provide grants for research and clinical trials, hoping to find a cure. I don’t know where we would be without CURE OM. 
This is why I will continue my support tomorrow, on #GivingTuesday, and I hope you will join me." – Sheila Levine
You will receive an email from the MRF tomorrow morning with a link for you to show your support with a #GivingTuesday gift to the MRF. Questions? Email [email protected].
The MRF envisions a world without melanoma and your support on #GivingTuesday shows that you do, too.

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