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Press Release
Press Release |
October 30, 2015

#CUREOM Unite! – Thank You!

The results are in and #CUREOM Unite! was a tremendous success! Thank you to everyone who gave so generously to this campaign to further patient-centered ocular melanoma (OM) research!

Dear Friends,
As of October 15, 2015, the #CUREOM Unite! campaign has raised over $65,000 for ocular melanoma (OM) research. WOW. THANK YOU!
When I  asked you to join the #CUREOM Unite! campaign several months ago, I had no idea how successful this challenge would be, or how much we would be able to accomplish together. Not only did we meet our $50,000 goal, but we significantly exceeded it. I am truly inspired by your efforts.
While this year’s campaign is over, the #CUREOM Unite! activities have only just begun. Soon we will send a “request for proposals” to the scientific community and partner with the OM patient and caregiver community to help select a grant recipient. In early 2016, we will share how you can get involved with the grant review process.
Although the OM community is not a community any of us would choose to be a part of, what an amazing community we are. It is humbling to be paving the way towards finding a cure together.
Sara M. Selig, M.D., M.P.H is the Co-Founder and Director of the MRF's CURE OM initiative.
You can check out pictures from recent Miles for Melanoma events on our Facebook page, and click below to see some of the great achievements from #CUREOM Unite! participants:

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