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September 14, 2018

Stop the Tanning Tax Repeal

Contact your lawmakers today!

URGENT: The United States House of Representatives is currently considering a bill called the Save American Workers Act H.R. 3798. Included in this legislation is the repeal of the indoor tanning tax. This 10% tax was created as part of the Affordable Care Act in 2010 to reflect the known dangers of indoor tanning devices and discourage their use. 

Last week, the Melanoma Research Foundation joined 47 partner organizations to send this letter to House Speaker Paul Ryan and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi stating our strong opposition to the repeal of the indoor tanning tax in any legislation.

Approximately 90% of melanoma diagnoses are linked to UV exposure from sources like the sun and indoor tanning devices and current estimates indicate that over $6 billion is spent each year to treat all forms of skin cancer. The repeal of the tanning tax would not only send a dangerous message that "it's ok to tan again," the Joint Tax Commission estimates that repealing the tax would result in over $400 million in lost revenue.

The indoor tanning tax has been an incredibly important tool to bring awareness to the dangers of tanning and discourage this risky behavior, especially by vulnerable young people who are frequently targeted by the tanning industry. We need your help to protect this policy – contact your representatives today and urge them to oppose any measure that would repeal the indoor tanning tax!


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