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The Buddy Program

Connect with others who know what you’re going through.

The MRF’s Buddy Program offers a supportive lifeline for people newly diagnosed with melanoma.

The MRF’s Buddy Program is a peer-to-peer support program designed to connect melanoma patients or caregivers with survivors or family members who have “been there”.

Volunteer Buddies provide non-professional, peer-to-peer emotional support and advice. Volunteer Buddies listen, share experiences, offer support and provide practical information. They are a source of encouragement and hope to newly diagnosed individuals and their caregivers.

Matches are made based on stage of diagnosis, type of melanoma, treatment(s), age, gender and primary concerns. All Volunteer Buddies have received training and can provide you with a shoulder to lean on as you navigate through this journey.

If you would like to participate in this free peer-to-peer support program as either a patient, caregiver or a Volunteer Buddy, please email us at [email protected]

Do you want to BECOME A VOLUNTEER BUDDY? We need you!

The Buddy Program would not exist without dedicated MRF volunteers. Volunteers undergo training to learn about the MRF, the latest breakthroughs and news in melanoma and on available resources so they can provide the most current, accurate information possible to their buddies. Email [email protected] to become a Volunteer Buddy and provide peer-to-peer support to a patient or caregiver who is just beginning this journey.


Are you interested in connecting with other patients but prefer your computer? Visit MPIP, the MRF’s online melanoma patient community, or the Young Adults Online Community.


The MRF’s Peer-to-Peer Support Programs are made possible, in part, by: