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Melanoma News
Melanoma News |
July 10, 2013

Your Action Needed: FDA Proposes Reclassification of Tanning Beds

Act now! Public comments are now being accepted in response to the FDA’s proposal to reclassify tanning beds.

Exciting news! The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced a proposal to reclassify sunlamp products – indoor tanning devices, UV lamps, and other devices used to obtain a tan indoors – to increase consumer awareness of the risks associated with the use of these products. 

Sunlamps are currently classified as Class I devices—the same class as tongue depressors and bandages. The proposed administrative rules would raise sunlamp devices to Class II medical device which are subjected to additional regulatory action, including meeting specific criteria that ensures that a device will not subject consumers to harm or injury. 

In addition, the FDA is proposing that all sunlamp devices  must bear warning labels that would include specific language regarding tanning bed use by minors: "Attention: This sunlamp product should not be used on persons under the age of 18 years." [Read proposed 21 CFR 878.4635(b) for specific information]

This is a huge step in the right direction! Your action is needed to help move this forward. The FDA is accepting public comments until 5pm EDT, Wednesday, August 7th. Please support this proposed reclassification by submitting your personal testimony electronically by clicking here and copy/pasting the attached letter in the comment section, and filling out the form.

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