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Melanoma News
Melanoma News |
April 9, 2010

MRF’s Hill Briefing Generates News Coverage Nationwide

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On Wednesday, March 24, 2010, the MRF hosted a Capitol Hill briefing to discuss the current controversies around indoor tanning and skin cancer with Representatives Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY), Charlie Dent (R-PA) and Rosa DeLauro (D-CT).  The briefing took place one day prior to the FDA’s public hearing to explore stricter tanning bed regulations, proposing both stiffer warnings and reclassifying them to allow other steps.  As a result of the hearing, the FDA Medical Devices Advisory Committee recommended that restrictions on minors’ access to indoor tanning beds include requiring parental consent, or banning the use of tanning beds entirely for those under the age of 18.

The event garnered much attention from the media.  Major television networks, including CBS, CNN, and ABC attended the briefing with cameras, which generated coverage in over 50 local markets, as well as mention on CNN.  The turnout from Members of Congress, Congressional staffers, partner organizations and journalists set the stage for the FDA to take positive steps in protecting the public from risks associated with tanning.  

You can view footage of the news coverage from the briefing below.


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