#EyeGetDilated: Nigel D.

Nigel Deacon
Guest blog post by Nigel Deacon, ocular melanoma survivor, member of the CURE OM Patient Steering Committee and Co-founder of Ocumel Canada:

Why have your eyes examined? I will explain. Please read on.
Your eyes can hold secrets, sometimes dark ones. It is very wise to ask an optometrist to provide a comprehensive eye exam which includes dilation. This is the only way to know whether you need more frequent monitoring of your eyes. Several serious conditions can arise in the eye and the earlier we know about them, the more can be done to help us maintain vision and health.
One of the dark secrets that can hide in the eye is cancer. Often, in these cases, there are no symptoms, so nature does not prompt you to seek help. It is better to make eye exams a routine for you and your loved ones.
In 2010 I discovered, quite by accident, that I had a cancerous tumour growing in the back of my eye. The tumour was successfully treated and I was lucky to keep my vision. In 2012 however, the cancer moved into other parts of the body, where it is rapid and aggressive and leads to death, usually within months. I was very lucky and have responded to treatment so I am still alive today, sending you this message! Please pay attention! Eyes are a serious business!
Please ask an optometrist for a comprehensive eye exam. Children and adults should all be checked. Some conditions need frequent monitoring if a problem is discovered. Please find an optometrist and say #EyeGetDilated this November, or any time. Your life might depend on it – take it from me.
The MRF is proud to work with dedicated advocates like Nigel to promote ocular melanoma awareness, advance research and provide support to the OM community. Your generosity makes this work possible. Please consider a tax-deductible gift to the MRF’s CURE OM initiative today: