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June 4, 2015

New Alliance Helps Inform and Educate Patients in Battle Against Deadly Skin Cancer



PLAINSBORO, N.J. (June 4, 2015) — CURE® Magazine, the largest consumer publication in the United States focused entirely on cancer, today announced that two leading advocacy groups for patients with melanoma, AIM at Melanoma and the Melanoma Research Foundation (MRF), have joined CURE’s Advocacy Spotlight Partnership Program to battle the deadly skin cancer together. 
“We want to recognize that skin cancer is the most common type of cancer, with melanoma its most dangerous type. We are pleased to team up with two leading melanoma advocacy groups to increase focus on this deadly disease, because it is highly curable if detected early,” said Mike Hennessy Jr., president of Intellisphere Oncology and Healthcare Specialty Group, part of the Plainsboro, N.J.-based Michael J. Hennessy Associates, Inc. (MJH) family of businesses.
“Our new collaborations with AIM at Melanoma and the Melanoma Research Foundation will deepen our connections with melanoma cancer patients and at the same time provide the advocacy groups with opportunities to reach those they are serving through our many digital and print publications,” said Hennessy.
“It is critically important for people to understand melanoma’s risk factors and symptoms, as well as conduct regular skin checks. Patients often spot their own melanoma because they recognize changes to their own skin. When caught early, melanoma can have a survival rate of almost 90 percent,” said Tim Turnham from the Melanoma Research Foundation. Turnham said risk factors include fair skin, light hair and eye color, exposure to UV radiation (natural sunlight and/or indoor tanning bed use), a family history of melanoma, sunburns at a young age and a high number of moles. Symptoms vary but many doctors recommend people follow the ABCDEs: A (Asymmetrical Shape), B (Border), C (Color), D (Diameter) and E (Evolution, or change). Additional information can be found at “With CURE Magazine’s help and focus, we can better get the word out about melanoma prevention, early detection and treatment options, and the support that groups like the MRF provide to patients and their families,” he said.
The Melanoma Research Foundation has three major goals: to support medical research to find effective treatments and eventually a cure for melanoma, to educate patients and physicians about the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the disease and to act as an advocate for the melanoma community, raising awareness of the disease and the need for a cure.
Valerie Guild from AIM at Melanoma, the largest international melanoma organization, said, “Melanoma accounts for about 2% of all skin cancer cases, but the vast majority of skin cancer deaths. People under the age of 45 account for 25% of all melanoma cases. The incidence of melanoma has increased 15 times in the last 40 years – a 200% increase since 1973. This is a more rapid increase than for any other cancer,” she said.
“Our goal is to arm researchers with cutting-edge tools and resources needed to make game-changing discoveries to find the CURE, while providing comprehensive easy-to-access melanoma information to support patients, survivors, and caregivers during their cancer journey,” Guild added.
AIM at Melanoma is globally engaged and locally invested in advancing the battle against melanoma through innovative research, legislative reform, education and patient and caregiver support. is the leading online resource for cutting-edge research initiatives, advocacy, education and activism.
About CURE magazine and CURE Media Group
CURE Media Group’s flagship product, CURE magazine, is the indispensable guide to every stage of the cancer experience. With nearly 1 million readers, CURE is the largest consumer publication in the United States focused entirely on cancer, with broad distribution to cancer patients, cancer centers and advocacy groups. Through the magazine, live meetings, a resource guide for the newly diagnosed, the Extraordinary Healer™ national nursing award, and other books and online tools, CURE Media Group combines science and humanity to make cancer understandable. CURE Media Group is part of the Plainsboro, N.J.-based Michael J. Hennessy Associates, Inc. (MJH), family of businesses, which includes the acclaimed OncLive® ( platform of resources for the practicing oncologist. For more information, visit or
About the Melanoma Research Foundation
The Melanoma Research Foundation (MRF) is the largest independent organization devoted to melanoma. Committed to the support of medical research in finding effective treatments and eventually a cure for melanoma, the MRF also educates patients and physicians about prevention, diagnosis and the treatment of melanoma. The MRF is an active advocate for the melanoma community, helping to raise awareness of this disease and the need for a cure. The MRF’s website is a premier source for melanoma information seekers. More information is available at Find the MRF on Facebook and Twitter.
About AIM at Melanoma
AIM at Melanoma is the largest international melanoma advocacy organization personally committed to finding the CURE. AIM’s global initiatives are fundamentally changing the face and future of research. AIM represents the voice of those affected by melanoma in the US and fosters growth of new advocacy efforts around the globe. Legislation plays a key role in helping to protect against melanoma, as well as ensuring that those with melanoma get the care they need. AIM has actively led this charge, spearheading new legislation. AIM provides the resources, infrastructure and tools necessary to advance global research, advocacy, education and support for melanoma patients, caregivers, and survivors. More information is available at Find AIM on Facebook and Twitter.
Media Contacts
For AIM at Melanoma: Valerie Guild, 415-305-0060, [email protected]
For Melanoma Research Foundation: Lauren Smith Dyer, 202-742-5918, [email protected]
For CURE Magazine: Becky Taylor, 609-240-6886, [email protected] 

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