130 Organizations Call to the President to Prioritize Cancer Patients and Survivors for COVID-19 Vaccine

WASHINGTON, DC – As concerns rise about the limited number of COVID-19 vaccines across the U.S., the Melanoma Research Foundation joined the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) on a letter to President Joseph R. Biden, key members of his administration and leading public health officials at state health departments to stress the importance of prioritizing patients with active cancer and survivors of cancer to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.
This letter, which included 130 organizations, cancer centers and other institutions, comes from recent research that has shown that patients with cancer and certain survivors of cancer are at an increased risk of infection and severe illness if exposed to the virus compared to the general population. The letter notes that while quick and widespread vaccination is the goal, the currently limited supply of vaccines means that many who are considered high risk, such as patients with cancer and survivors of cancer, may continue to wait a long period of time if they are not provided with priority to receive the vaccine.
The MRF, along with all the cosignatories of this letter, urges the Biden administration and public health officials at the state level to prioritize cancer patients and survivors in nationwide vaccination plans. Read the full letter here.