January 27, 2025
Advocate for Legislative Issues
Tell Your Senator to Support Increased Funding for Melanoma Research
Millions of Americans are alive today thanks to previous investments in melanoma research.
The MRF is dedicated to working with lawmakers on the following legislative areas.
- Defense-Funded Melanoma Research – Support $20 million in defense-funded melanoma research and life-saving medical breakthroughs made possible by the CDMRP
- CDC’s Skin Cancer Prevention Activities – Support $5 million for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Skin Cancer Prevention Activities in the Fiscal 2020 LHHS Appropriations bill ($3 million in Fiscal 2019 for CDC’s skin cancer prevention line)
- Preserve Indoor Tanning Tax – Oppose legislation and amendments that would repeal the Indoor Tanning Tax
- Access to Care (Private Health Insurance, ACA, Medicare and Medicaid, Drug Costs) – Support and advance policies that preserve protections for cancer patients and survivors and that promote access to adequate and affordable health insurance coverage. Oppose policy proposals that endanger access to affordable, adequate coverage. Support proposals that promote access to affordable and comprehensive coverage and low out of pocket costs for cancer patients, survivors, and those at particular risk for cancer.
- Age Restrictions on Indoor Tanning – Support an under 18 tanning bed ban, without exemption for parental consent or physician’s note. Currently, Arizona, Arkansas, Iowa, Kentucky, Montana, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma and West Virginia have introduced legislation that meets this criteria.
- Access to Sunscreen in Schools – Did you know that the FDA regulates sunscreen as an OTC (over-the-counter) drug and many states require children to obtain a physician’s note or forgo utilizing sunscreen while at school or school-related activities? The MRF supports policies that allow students access to sunscreen during the school day, without requiring a physician’s note or prescription. So far, seventeen states Seventeen states have established policies addressing sun protection in schools. California led the way in 2002, passing the first law allowing students to wear sun-protective clothing and apply sunscreen without a physician’s note or prescription. New York passed a similar law in 2013, followed by Texas and Oregon in 2015.
- Since then, seven more states including Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Louisiana, Utah, Washington and Ohio passed legislation allowing sunscreen use in schools in 2017 with five more states including Indiana, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Michigan and Oklahoma following suit in 2018. Illinois joined with their bill passing in early 2019.
Whether you choose to send a fax, e-mail or make a phone call is up to you. The most important thing is that they hear from you. For more information, contact [email protected].
Make it personal
Help change the landscape for melanoma by personally telling your Congressional delegation how they can combat the fastest growing cancer in the United States.
- Familiarize yourself with Advocacy using the advocacy Toolkit below, courtesy of our partners at Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Find the name and contact information for your Senators and Representatives and send them a letter. Or, you can call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 to be connected with your congressional offices.
- Tell them why melanoma research and prevention efforts are important to you and ask them to support our key asks