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June 14, 2022

Collaborative Study from Castle Biosciences and the MRF Confirms Patients Diagnosed with Melanoma Desire Testing with DecisionDx®-Melanoma

Washington, DC (June 14, 2022) – The Melanoma Research Foundation (MRF), the largest independent organization devoted to melanoma, and Castle Biosciences, a company improving health through innovative tests that guide patient care, announced a poster presentation on DecisionDx®-Melanoma at the recent 2022 Fall Clinical Dermatology Conference for PAs & NPs. The presentation shares results of a study of 120 melanoma patients regarding prognostic testing with Castle’s DecisionDx®-Melanoma.

“A diagnosis of malignant, invasive melanoma can be terrifying for patients,” said Kyleigh LiPira, MBA, study author and MRF CEO. “In the survey, a significant majority of patients desired testing with DecisionDx-Melanoma after receiving a melanoma diagnosis and appreciated the in-depth information provided by the results, regardless of whether they received low or high-risk scores.”

For more highlights from the survey and additional information, view the Castle Biosciences press release.


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