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The MRF is committed to raising public awareness of the dangers of over-exposure to UV radiation and the importance of melanoma prevention. Several states and municipalities have introduced legislation that would put an under-18 ban on indoor tanning as well as legislation that would allow children to have access to sunscreen during the school day. Join us in this fight to protect our youth by urging your policymakers to pass these bills.

We continue to urge Congress to pass federal legislation that bans anyone under the age of 18 from using indoor tanning devices, without exceptions such as parental consent or a doctor’s note; therefore we only support state-level legislation that does the same. Below you can find up-to-date information and track the progress of proposed legislation that meets this criteria. Check back often and if your local government is considering a bill that will protect the health of our most vulnerable, contact your state representative and urge them to support it!