Melanoma Research Updates Shared at ASCO

Dr. Lynn Schuchter offers insights into how new developments will impact treatment options for patients.
Dr. Lynn Schuchter, chief of hematology/oncology at the University of Pennsylvania Abramson Cancer Center and a member of the MRF’s scientific advisory committee, was on hand at the American Society of Clinical Oncology’s (ASCO) annual meeting to report on the latest new developments in melanoma research and how these will impact treatment options for patients.
View Dr. Schuchter’s recent post on CNBC’s “Guest Blog,” and interview that aired from the meeting.
The MRF Breakthrough Consortium is also mentioned in the post, a new collaboration among leading melanoma experts working to partner with pharmaceutical companies and government to achieve breakthroughs in treatment. The MRF believes this initiative will foster the development of effective treatment options for patients with advanced melanoma.