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September 14, 2020

Sibling Feelings on Pediatric Melanoma

Guest blogs from Dominic and Patrick Little, brothers of pediatric melanoma warrior Dylan. 

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Written by Dominic Little, age 12

My brother Dylan was born with a rare skin condition called giant congenital melanocytic nevus. It worries me and my moms because I feel if we don’t get it removed in time it could cause him to get cancer. He also worries us when he gets new moles or gets a cut on a mole and it starts bleeding a lot. When he runs on a hot day it scares me because he just won’t stop, and he could overheat because he has no sweat glands. But every time he goes down for surgery it doesn’t worry me because I trust the doctors at Shriners Hospitals for Children – Cincinnati. I’m glad Dylan is my brother.

Written by Patrick Little, age 12

My brother Dylan has had 32 surgeries because of his skin condition. Sometimes I feel bad for him because one small scratch and he will start to bleed a lot. When he plays around other kids that don’t know him, they ask so many different questions; even adults assume he has chicken pox. That frustrates me. Some of his surgeries are long and stressful but there are short ones, too. Even during the short ones, I get scared. When he comes out, I know everything is ok. Sometimes when he gets sick I will get nervous because he can get melanoma very easy and that means it’s cancer. Sometimes I forget he has this lifelong condition because he acts perfectly fine and I think he forgets too. I get amazed on how much he does and all of the surgeries he has had. He does everything like nothing is wrong. He is my hero.

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and stories like Dylan’s are a powerful reminder that melanoma can affect even the youngest members of our community. In honor of Dylan and the 500 additional families who will be affected by pediatric melanoma this year, please consider a tax-deductible gift to support further research, better treatments and progress towards a cure.

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