Teddi Mellencamp Gets Naked for Melanoma Awareness Month

TV Personality, Podcast Host and Wellness Advocate Joins the Melanoma Research Foundation’s #GetNaked Campaign to Promote Early Detection of Melanoma
WASHINGTON, DC (May 1, 2023) – The Melanoma Research Foundation (MRF) is pleased to announce the launch of its annual award-winning #GetNaked campaign in recognition of Melanoma Awareness Month this May. TV personality, wellness coach, host of the top-rated podcast “Two Ts in a Pod”, melanoma survivor and advocate Teddi Mellencamp will serve as this year’s #GetNaked campaign spokesperson. In this role, Teddi will join the MRF’s #GetNaked campaign focused on generating awareness around early-detection and educating the public about melanoma prevention.
“Teddi Mellencamp is an incredible melanoma advocate dedicated to raising awareness and encouraging early detection of this preventable disease,” says MRF CEO Kyleigh LiPira. “We are pleased to join forces with Teddi as the 2023 #GetNaked spokesperson to extend the MRF’s critical mission.”
Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer claiming nearly 8,000 lives in the United States each year. In addition to cutaneous (or skin) melanoma, the MRF also supports the rare melanoma subtypes including acral lentiginous, pediatric/adolescent and young adult, mucosal and ocular melanoma.
The #GetNaked campaign encourages everyone to embrace sun safe practices and schedule an annual dermatological skin check by showcasing dynamic and bold images and sharing powerful testimonials from real melanoma patients. Throughout May, the MRF will host educational opportunities helping to inform the public on sun safety, prevention and early detection including two hybrid patient symposia and virtual educational webinars. Additional social media educational opportunities include a weekly dermatologist influencer or “derm-fluencer” Instagram Live series and newly created Tik Tok and Instagram filters available for download today! Finally, the MRF is excited to kick off its annual nationwide Miles for Melanoma 5k run/walk event series in Washington, DC on Saturday, May 6, raising critical funds for melanoma research and awareness.
You can learn more about all #GetNaked Melanoma Awareness Month activities by visiting www.Melanoma.org/MAM. The MRF would like to thank its Melanoma Awareness Month corporate sponsors, Bristol Myers Squibb, Neutrogena, Cabana Life and Eisai for their generous support.
To support critical melanoma research in finding effective treatments and a cure for melanoma, donate here.
About the Melanoma Research Foundation
The Melanoma Research Foundation (MRF) is the largest independent organization devoted to melanoma. Committed to the support of medical research to develop effective treatments and eventually a cure for melanoma, the MRF also educates patients and physicians about the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cutaneous melanoma and the melanoma rare subtypes. The MRF is a dedicated advocate for the melanoma community, helping to raise awareness of this disease and the need for a cure. The MRF’s website is the premier source for melanoma information seekers. More information is available at www.melaresearcstg.wpengine.com. Find the MRF on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and TikTok.
Media Contact
James Merrick, MPA
Chief Communications and Marketing Officer