January 27, 2025
Create Your Own Fundraising Page
The Melanoma Research Foundation (MRF) works with Firstgiving to organize fundraising events online. Firstgiving is a secure, online service that has processed more than $400,000 in donations already for the MRF. With Firstgiving’s resources and tools, you can easily and quickly create your own personal fundraising page that allows you to:
- Set a fundraising goal and track your progress toward achieving that goal
- Add photographs and captions to personalize your page
- Write your own personal appeal message, letting people know why you are raising money
- Write a personal thank you note which is automatically sent to the donor after a contribution is received
In addition, everyone who donates on your page can leave words of encouragement.
To get started, visit https://www.firstgiving.com/melanoma and click on GET STARTED. Once you set up your fundraising page, email everyone you know – family, friends, neighbors, business associates, etc. – and ask them to go to your page and make a donation.
Oh, and let us know, too! We would love to hear about your event and can help you design your page.
Thank you!