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News & Press

Government Shutdown – Essential Personnel

October 3, 2013

For the first time in 2 decades, the U.S. government has shut down. Media have focused a great deal of attention on the closure of national parks and restrictions to veterans’ benefits. In social media, the outrage over the National Zoo’s “Panda Cam” h …

The Fight Against Melanoma Ramps Up in Philadelphia

September 25, 2013

Philadelphia-Area Advocates Inaugurate Wings of Hope for Melanoma Gala to Support Research for a Cure   For Immediate Release: August 19, 2013 (updated October 23, 2013)   Contact: Lauren Smith Melanoma Research Foundation (202) 347-9675 ext. …

Guest Post: Pale Girl Tips for a Sun Safe School Year

September 11, 2013

Pale Girl SPEAKS’ Hillary Fogelson shares tips for teaching important sunscreen habits in time for the new school year.   Pale Girl SPEAKS, founded by three-time melanoma survivor Hillary Fogelson, is an online resource providing practical advice …

Senate Recommends Increased Funding for Medical Research

August 1, 2013

On Tuesday, the Senate Defense Appropriations Subcommittee Chair, Sen. Richard Durbin (D-Ill.), announced the Subcommittee’s recommendation for a $25 million allocation to the Department of Defense’s Peer Reviewed Cancer Research Program (PRCRP). On Tu …

Your Action Needed: FDA Proposes Reclassification of Tanning Beds

July 10, 2013

Act now! Public comments are now being accepted in response to the FDA’s proposal to reclassify tanning beds. Exciting news! The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced a proposal to reclassify sunlamp products – indoor tanning device …