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News & Press

Shying Away From Sun Increases Melanoma Risk

April 22, 2011

That is the headline in an article by Dr. John Briffa, a UK physician.  Citing a 2008 article in the British Medical Journal, the author claims that melanoma incidence is less in areas where people have greater sun exposure.  From this he con …

Profile in Courage

April 14, 2011

I won’t give her name here, but her story is worth telling.  She was a young woman when she found an odd mole on her back.  Simple surgery, but the path report came back as melanoma.  She didn’t know then that melanoma is the …

Where the Sun Don’t Shine

April 5, 2011

About 2/3 of melanomas are caused by exposure to UV radiation.  Often the damage is done in the days of our youth, and only manifested later in life.  So if people were very careful about their exposure to UV radiation we would see the death …


April 5, 2011

To say that a patient failed a treatment is to use fairly common jargon in describing a situation in which the patient is no longer benefitting from that treatment.  That doesn’t mean it is the right thing to say, however….The Melanom …

Yervoy Approval in the News

March 25, 2011

The melanoma community has waited a long time for a breakthrough. See what MRF and patients have had to say about the FDA's decision on Yervoy: F.D.A. Approves Drug to Treat Melanoma, The New York TimesFDA approves new drug for late-stage mela …