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News & Press

An Epidemic?

September 2, 2011

The American Academy of Dermatology just had their summer meeting and one of the speakers, Dr. Darrell Rigel, grabbed my attention with some alarming comments. We have known for a while that melanoma rates are rising.  This trend is a real phenome …

One More Question

September 2, 2011

I have written a couple of times about questions patients ask when first diagnosed with cancer:  “Am I going to die?”  “How did this happen?” Another question I hear emerges later.  It comes after the diagnosis, t …

The Second Question

August 22, 2011

When someone is diagnosed with cancer, they have a lot of questions.  The first question, as I mentioned recently, is this:  “Am I going to die?”  But another common question follows after that.  “How did this happ …

First Gene-Targeted Drug for Melanoma Approved by FDA

August 17, 2011

Decision Opens New Doors to Long-Awaited Combination Trials WASHINGTON, D.C.—Melanoma patients who have long faced a bleak treatment landscape are gaining a new approach for treating the deadliest form of skin cancer. The Food and Drug Administra …

The First Question

August 9, 2011

Over the years I have had the privilege to know many, many people fighting cancer.  Young and old, male and female.  We tend to think cancer ennobles someone—makes them more than they were, somehow heroic simply by virtue of their suffe …