
Get ready for an exciting announcement for the melanoma community

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News & Press

Take Action: Stop the NIH Budget Cuts

March 21, 2017

The newly proposed federal budget would cut $5.8 billion from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) budget in fiscal year (FY) 2018, which would be a crippling blow to the scientific community. TAKE ACTION! The newly proposed federal budget woul …

In Melissa’s Words: Why I Support the MRF

March 8, 2017

There are four words that no one can prepare you for in life. When I was 31 years old I found a small lump on the left side of my neck. Two doctors and many friends and family told me it was nothing. My body and my mind were telling me otherwise. Unfor …

In J.B.’s Words: A Face of Mucosal Melanoma

January 27, 2017

J.B. Ward is one of the 1% of melanoma patients with mucosal melanoma. She and the MRF have partnered to raise money for an educational video of mucosal melanoma patients to educate others about this extremely agressive cancer. Click here to learn more …

Resolving to Fight Melanoma: Loree’s Year-End Gift of Research

December 14, 2016

I want to give generously to working toward an end to malignant melanoma because, I believe, getting a handle on this most rapidly mutating form of cancer is going to unlock the door to early control of all other cancers. –     …

Support CURE OM with DIFF & Joelle Fletcher

November 22, 2016

The MRF’s CURE OM initiative is proud to announce a partnership with DIFF Charitable Eyewear and former star of The Bachelorette, Joelle "JoJo" Fletcher, this Thanksgiving season.  This month, DIFF Charitable Eyewear is sharing sto …