MRF & MRA Commend the Senate Appropriations Committee for Supporting $20 Million for Defense-Funded Melanoma Research
September 24, 2019WASHINGTON, DC, September 25, 2019 – The Melanoma Research Alliance (MRA) and the Melanoma Research Foundation (MRF) commend the Senate Appropriations Committee for including $20 million for Department of Defense (DoD)-funded melan …
Clara’s Story: Advocating for Your Child’s Health
September 23, 2019Guest blog post by Andrea Smith, mother of pediatric melanoma survivor Clara and member of the MRF’s Pediatric Melanoma Parent Steering Committee: In early 2017, Clara (then 15 months old) had what looked like a small pimple form on her lower calf. The …
Pediatric Melanoma: Beyond the ABCDs
September 20, 2019Guest blog post by Vernon K. Sondak, MD, Chair, Department of Cutaneous Oncology and Jane L. Messina, MD, Senior Member, Departments of Anatomic Pathology and Cutaneous Oncology at H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center. Dr. Sondak and Dr. Messina serve on the M …
MRF Welcomes Katie Couric to the New York Gala
September 19, 2019In an unforgettable evening to honor the patients, survivors and caregivers in the melanoma community, Katie will share her personal experiences with cancer and join New York’s most generous business and community leaders in support of the one million …
Rep. Kelly Cassidy: We Are Far From Done
September 17, 2019Guest blog post by Illinois State Representative Kelly Cassidy, a melanoma caregiver, survivor and will be honored with a Courage Award at the 5th Annual Chicago Gala. Representative Cassidy recently sponsored HB 3113, which requires health insurers to …
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