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News & Press

Practice What you Preach

June 27, 2011

Part of what makes my work for the Melanoma Research Foundation is my family history of melanoma.  Both my mother and her twin brother were diagnosed with early stage melanoma when they were about the age I am now.  This means I am at higher …

Left Armed Bandit

June 17, 2011

Today we heard that drivers in the United States have more skin cancer on their left arm than on their right.  This news came just after a big media push from the FDA touting their new guidelines for sunscreen.  The guidelines are solid: …

Mother and Child

June 16, 2011

I just got off the phone with a young woman I met earlier this year who is battling Stage IV melanoma.  During the call she told me, “I have a 2 year old and I worry that I won’t live long enough for my child to remember me.” Jus …

June 2011 eBrief: Oncology Conference Puts Melanoma Therapies in the Spotlight

June 14, 2011

Groundbreaking Melanoma Therapies Featured at ASCO’s Annual Meeting Promising results from two separate melanoma treatment studies stole the spotlight at the recent American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) annual meeting. The research feature …

Competition and Collaboration

June 1, 2011

In their most honest moments, the best and brightest scientific researchers agree that competition is good.  When researchers have to apply for limited funds they sharpen their thinking and put their best science forward.  This is why MRF has …