
Get ready for an exciting announcement for the melanoma community

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News & Press

First Gene-Targeted Drug for Melanoma Approved by FDA

August 17, 2011

Decision Opens New Doors to Long-Awaited Combination Trials WASHINGTON, D.C.—Melanoma patients who have long faced a bleak treatment landscape are gaining a new approach for treating the deadliest form of skin cancer. The Food and Drug Administra …

The First Question

August 9, 2011

Over the years I have had the privilege to know many, many people fighting cancer.  Young and old, male and female.  We tend to think cancer ennobles someone—makes them more than they were, somehow heroic simply by virtue of their suffe …

Melanoma Patient Profile

August 2, 2011

What does a melanoma patient look like?  She looks like Diane, who posts on MPIP.org as “Dian in Spokane.”  Diane was first diagnosed years ago, and fought her melanoma with a vengeance.  She lived disease free for years …

New Sunscreen Labeling Will Improve Sun Safety

July 21, 2011

New Sunscreen Labeling Will Improve Sun Safety -Clearer Labels Will Help Consumers Limit Exposure to Dangerous Ultraviolet Rays- WASHINGTON, D.C.—Should your sunscreen have UVA protection, UVB protection or both? What’s best – SPF 30 …

Making a Difference

July 15, 2011

Thanks to "guest blogger" Mary Mendoza for the following.  Mary is National Director of Volunteer Services for MRF. Later this month MRF will host a two-day Volunteer Training in Denver.  In thinking of this, I was reminded again ab …