January 27, 2025
Lifting up patients through community engagement and research to unlock the cure to melanoma of all types.
Let’s get you started.
Exciting melanoma research funding update:
We have just learned that House Appropriations Committee Subcommittee on Defense Chair Ken Calvert (CA-41) and Senate Appropriations Committee Subcommittee on Defense Chair Mitch McConnell issued a letter to Department of Defense Secretary, Pete Hegseth, indicating Congressional intent for CDMRP FY25 programs. Contained in that letter was the directive to fund the Melanoma Research Program (MRP) at $40 million for FY25! This funding will enable more research and more melanoma treatment progress for military members and the general public. According to a recent Military Medicine Study, melanoma incidence among service members is 62% greater than civilians and this program seeks to minimize incidence rates across both populations!
This major achievement is a direct result of your advocacy over the past month! An incredible 206 advocates with 248 calls to Congress (House and Senate), 50 advocates who went to Capitol Hill, 14 advocacy organizations and 32 researchers who signed an FY25 sign on letter. We are so appreciative of the #melanoma community and your efforts to help protect this vital research funding, and we thank Congressional Appropriators for continued melanoma research funding.
While we are optimistic about the future of melanoma funding through the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program (CDMRP), we are disappointed to learn of the cuts to the 23 other deserving programs within the CDMRP.
The MRF will continue to advocate for melanoma research funding and finding ways to engage patients and caregivers with their lawmakers.
The MRF’s mission is to eradicate melanoma by accelerating medical research while educating and advocating for the melanoma community.
Why We Fight.
Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer.
Melanoma claims the lives of over 8,290 Americans every year
Leading cause of cancer death in young women ages 25 – 30
9 out of 10 cases are considered to be preventable
Our Impact
Funding Melanoma Research
Clinical Trials
Grants With New Collaborations
Published Articles
Webinars & Presentations
Events & Fundraisers

Mar 31, 2025
2025 Eyes on a Cure Ocular Melanoma Patient and Caregiver Symposium Information Meeting

Mar 31, 2025
2025 Eyes on a Cure Ocular Melanoma Patient and Caregiver Symposium Information Meeting

Apr 26, 2025 – Apr 27, 2025
Eyes on a Cure: Ocular Melanoma Patient & Caregiver Symposium

Updates from MRF
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Patient Testimonial: LaShelle Rabold
Guest blog post by LaShelle Rabold, melanoma patient and advocate: “I never had sunburns; I have my mother’s olive skin tone. I’m half Filipino and my complexio…

The Melanoma Research Foundation Announces Rebr…
Washington, DC (January 27, 2025) – The Melanoma Research Foundation (MRF), the largest independent organization devoted to melanoma, is excited to announce the official …

The Melanoma Research Foundation to host the Mi…
Miami, FL (January 23, 2025) – The Melanoma Research Foundation (MRF) is thrilled to announce the next event in its annual Miles for Melanoma nationwide 5K…

MRF Welcomes Rebecca Hartman, MD, MPH, Michelle…
Washington, DC (January 9, 2025) – The Melanoma Research Foundation (MRF) is pleased to announce the appointment of three new members to its Board of Directors including,…

The Melanoma Research Foundation to host the Fo…
Fort Myers, FL (December 5, 2024) – The Melanoma Research Foundation (MRF) is thrilled to announce the next event in its annual Miles for Melanoma nationwide 5K progr…
Patient Resources
The MRF is committed to providing the most up-to-date education and support resources for melanoma patients and their loved ones.
Find a Treatment Center
Although the MRF cannot recommend a specific doctor, clinic or clinical trial, the Melanoma Treatment Center Finder and Clinical Trial Finder will help you find an experienced melanoma treatment team, as well as give you the opportunity to explore clinical trials. Did you know that clinical trials are often viewed as the best treatment option for Stage II, III and IV melanoma patients? Please remember to use this information as a starting point in your search for a healthcare team that best meets your needs. All information regarding your treatment should be discussed with your healthcare professional.
Find a Treatment Center or view Clinical Trials

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