
Hi team – The MRF is closed Tuesday, Dec 31 beginning at 1:00pm through Friday, January 3. We will resume normal business hours on Monday, January 6.

Research & Science

Participate in Science

Making a Difference Through Science

Until 2011, only one drug was FDA approved for the treatment of metastatic melanoma. Now, we have 10X that many FDA approved treatments for melanoma. Research has made the difference. If you are looking for a way to get involved in melanoma research, you can participate in any number of ways – through a clinical trial, as a research advocate, in the grant review process, and/or through fundraising. Consider getting involved today!

Review Grant Applications: The Melanoma Research Foundation is committed to advancing a broad scientific agenda across the disciplines of prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Each year, the MRF ensures that the patient perspective is included in the Scientific Grant Review Process by involving patient-centric reviewers. If you are interested in becoming involved in this process, please submit your contact information below or apply now to join the MRF Grant Review Program!

Participate in Clinical Trials: All treatments that are available today have been discovered through clinical trials. Clinical trials are often viewed as the best treatment option for Stage II, III and IV melanoma patients, so it is important that you learn about them as a treatment option to help you make an informed treatment decision.  As only 1 in 20 adult cancer patients enroll in cancer clinical trials (PMC5495113), make a difference and enroll today!  All treatment options, including clinical trials, should be thoroughly discussed with your melanoma team.

Join the VISION Registry: The CURE OM Patient Registry is a patient-powered research project funded and sponsored by the Melanoma Research Foundation’s CURE OM initiative. A patient registry is a critical tool to advance medical research, especially for a rare disease. The VISION registry is unique in that it is patient powered and reported. In addition to strictly clinical data, patients and caregivers can regularly submit updates that present a holistic picture of their diagnosis, various treatments, outcomes, lifestyle and geographic details. It will also show preferences and other information that may reveal previously unseen patterns, commonalities, potential causes and new treatment targets. Ocular melanoma patients and caregivers are invited to join today!

Join the War on Melanoma™: The War on Melanoma™ is an all-fronts effort to eliminate melanoma as a cause of death, primarily focusing on the link between early detection of melanoma leading to improved survivorship. This effort is led by principal investigator Sancy Leachman, MD, PhD, Chair of the Department of Dermatology at OHSU and the Melanoma Program Director of Knight Cancer Institute. The War on Melanoma™ brings science, technology, and public health outreach together with the general public, patients, families and healthcare providers with the goal of ending deaths from this form of cancer.

Advocate for Legislative Issues: The MRF Advocacy Program is a platform for those affected by melanoma to share their voice and transform melanoma care. Whether you are a patient, caregiver, survivor, healthcare professional or partner, YOU play a critical role in the advancement of better outcomes for the over one million Americans living with melanoma and their loved ones.

Fundraise: When you give to the MRF, we put your dollars to work. The MRF is committed to research, education and advocacy in our battle to find more effective treatments and, ultimately, a cure for melanoma. With your help, we can raise awareness, support medical research to find effective new treatments for melanoma, and provide resources and education to the melanoma community. Together, we are making a difference!