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Biennial Pediatric Melanoma Summit

Information for this event is forthcoming; we encourage you to fill out the pediatric weekend retreat interest survey to get your insights and initial interest as they are crucial in planning this event.

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Life After Treatment

If your child has had a melanoma, they are at higher risk of developing new melanomas than someone who has never had a melanoma. They may be at risk of the cancer coming back in nearby skin or other parts of the body. The chance of recurrence is greater if the melanoma was thick or had spread to nearby tissue. Other members of your family also should have regular checks for melanoma.


To increase the chance of finding a new or recurrent melanoma as early as possible, follow your doctor’s schedule for regular checkups and be sure to examine your child’s skin monthly (or have them do it themselves, if they are old enough to do it properly).


If your child is at high-risk for recurrence, follow-up care may include x-rays, blood tests and imaging scans of the chest, liver, bones and brain. If your child was diagnosed with early stage (Stage I or II) melanoma, these tests may not be performed. Visit our Living with Melanoma section to learn more.

504 Plan

After a melanoma diagnosis, your child will qualify for a 504 Plan. This will help you as you navigate the school system and work with teachers and administrators to ensure that your child can go to school with sunscreen and other sun protection measures.