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Our Impact

The Melanoma Research Foundation (MRF) is dedicated to working with lawmakers on federal, state and local levels for increased melanoma research funding for all types of melanoma including, mucosal, ocular and pediatric, improved access to quality care, Centers for Disease Control (CDC) skin cancer prevention activities, preserving indoor tanning tax, age restricted indoor tanning, access to sunscreen in schools and more.

Our Impact

Because of you, we’re continuing to drive access to groundbreaking research, healthcare and better outcomes for melanoma patients, survivors and care partners across the United States. Learn more about our impact below.

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2021 Advocacy Days

The MRF’s Advocacy Days is the largest melanoma advocacy event of the year and unites melanoma advocates on Capitol Hill to meet with Members of Congress to urge them to make melanoma a national priority. 


This year’s MRF Advocacy Days took place March 1-5, 2021 and was held completely virtual. This event was composed of over 125 advocates from across the country that participated in a half-day virtual briefing,  an advocate open mic night, a Congressional Town Hall with Carolyn Maloney (NY-12) as well as Congressional meetings throughout the week. 


The virtual half-day on Monday consisted of overviewing the MRF’s policy issues, how to conduct a virtual meeting and a roundtable comprised of state legislators on the importance of sharing your story. The Advocate Open Mic Night provided an opportunity for advocates to share personal stories with the melanoma community and connect over shared experiences. The Congressional Town Hall with Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney (NY-12) discussed the importance of skin cancer prevention and awareness and the Congresswoman’s passion behind her prevention efforts in Congress and the Congressional Skin Cancer Caucus. Throughout the week, advocates also had the opportunity to connect with and delegate meeting roles in State Caucus rooms.  


The Congressional meetings took place throughout the entire week and allowed advocates to meet with their Members of Congress. Over 50 advocates attended 68 meetings and represented 22 states. Although the MRF works on many issues on the federal, regulatory and state level, the policy issues prioritized during these meetings included increasing funding for the Department of Defense Melanoma Research Program, the NIH/NCI, and CDC’s Skin Cancer Prevention Activities, as well as finalizing the FDA’s proposed rule on banning tanning devices for America’s youth. 


If you missed this year’s Advocacy Days you can still take action towards better outcomes for the millions of Americans who have been impacted by melanoma by visiting our Advocacy Action Center, just click the button below.

Global Advocacy

In 2014, the MRF, in response to the global need for bringing the patient voice to the melanoma space, brought together organizations from around the world to create the Global Coalition for Melanoma Patient Advocacy. Since its founding, the group has grown to include 39 organizations from 24 different countries and is enthusiastically supported by not only its partners around the world, but also the global patient, healthcare and pharmaceutical communities.

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